donderdag 2 november 2023

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

I am still acutely aware to stay IN the SILENCE, removed (as much as possible) from human thoughts, human speaking, human listening. But just share this update in case it supports any one person. Please only take what resonates for you. Whilst I could write about many topics, I know to just share two:
Since 21 October I have been receiving various unfolding teachings from my Consciousness, in my sleeping Learning Dreams. Since these teachings keep happening, it is clear I am to be taught the ‘higher frequency’ divine and esoteric ‘meanings’ behind the Israel/Gaza physical reality war. I will only share when I know to and when my human personality is VERY CLEAR of the data being taught. I never guess or add human personality ideas/beliefs to anything.

I only ever just share data knowledge. But to share as support and I pray some comfort for now, that it IS TOTALLY CLEAR from all my learning dreams so far that the physical reality war, IS DIVINELY ORDAINED, regardless of how it appears or what is being said within 3d and 4d realties of division, of words, beliefs, and thus perceptions. There IS a much higher meaning and divine purpose to this physical war. That only through it playing out, within the illusion of linear time, will eventually reveal the divine design as it unfolds. Remember, as I’ve previously shared, it is the prophesied longer timeline of Tribulation humanity is within.

Each one’s reality, perception, thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, actions are based on each one’s level of consciousness attained SO FAR. And how much of the HUMAN AVATAR is by degree, STILL in control of their ‘human experience’, versus a continuous surrendering INTO BECOMING Consciousness ITSelf (outside of the human avatar and body). I say this as it is important to understand the MANY LAYERS within humanity, being experienced individually. And thus there are MANY LEVELS of PURGING taking place within all of humanity. Each one is purging, based on their consciousness stage. We are doing this individually, yet we are all HERE, doing this as a collective, together. Therefore one person’s own purging, is per one’s own stage of embodiment and individual to every self.

Prior to full embodiment (I will not use spiritual or religious labels for a state of consciousness we can become), there is a STAGE to go through:
Where the programme called the EGO (housed within the human programme) is released. You could call it the ‘Ego Death’. Another way to describe it is energetic:
Where SOME of the kundalini NO LONGER stays (is used by the human) within the lower 3 chakras. The human WAKING consciousness will be aware at this stage that all their DIVINE ENERGY is being divinely directed, to the heart, and up into the brain, the third eye and the crown Chakra. It seems to take ‘linear time’ yet does not have to. The quickest and EASIEST away is to BE LIGHT BODY (not the human avatar) and just allow the PROCESS of the HUMAN EGO DEATH to occur to you. As the ego death HAPPENS TO YOU. The human mind, mind control, and it’s ego CAN NOT instigate this process via imagination, human mind delusion, meditations, or individualised human will power. It happens by THE DIVINE WILL. It happens to you. Whilst it’s an energetic process, of all energy being moved to the upper chakras no longer staying within the lower chakras, at a human mind level, it IS THE EGO DEATH. The dissolving of the WHOLE EGO programme.

Ultimately, the dissolving leads to the being, being completely the EMPTY VESSEL. No ego. Your awareness, being CONSCIOUSLY aware it is WITHIN the HOLY TRINITY. Some could MENTALLY label The Holy Divine TRINITY as being consciously within the Trintity of ‘The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit’. Others may have learnt to mentally label this as SATCHITANANDA. I’m sure there are many other human terminologies for THE SAME awareness. It really is beyond ALL human labelling AS and IN this state; there are no words, no images, no sounds, no human mind, no languages, no light languages…therefore no thoughts to create labels. This is a WAKING state.

It is the death of the humanised ego (that was and is false and not who we are), that the being becomes EMPTY; Of ALL beliefs, all human conditionings, all human REACTIONS, all identities (human and galactic aspects at universal), all ego DEFENCE systems, created by the child from 0-7 years of age, that frees the human from the self contained cage the ego is not able to see it created and expressed out from. Free of inner ‘human’ influences, and free of outer ‘human’ actor influences within the illusion. Free of the material desires a solid reality can entice one to acquire. Free of ALL HUMAN desires of mind and body.

The death or dissolving of the human EGO, frees us from gross and SUBTLE programming confinement. Frees us from SUB consciousness underlying programming. For it is the SUB CONSCIOUS that is SO subtle, yet massive in terms of delusional POWER running within, underlying and hidden programming within the EGO, that we are in blindness to, until seen.

Prior to the stage of the whole Ego dissolving, some of the DIVINE energy STAYED WITHIN and was/is utilised by the lower three chakras. As fear, control and human desire is running the human at EVEN the most subtle of levels. Thus some divine energy is confined, cycles, is used, and KEEPS the human in a human level of consciousness. AT DIVINE WILL, when the FLOW of our energy CHANGES to moving only into the upper chakras, from the heart upwards, we are FREE of ALL EGO, both the gross ego that can be obvious, and the subtle ego that is less obvious, within the SUB CONSCIOUSNESS. Again I repeat, our own personality AVATAR can not decide this stage or go down the rabbit hole of delusional control of instigating this stage.

It is DIVINE WILL that does this for us. A transition, of ego death, that releases us from Earthly illusion (holographic dreaming) and universal illusions (more holographic dreaming), into the BEYOND…thus becoming the empty vessel, serving God as God WILLS from the empty AVATAR vessel of NO THOUGHT. An awake awareness, of BEING WITHIN the Holy Trinity; a Consciousness Level in our every day waking and walking state allows and aligns God’s Will through your mind and body, FROM BEYOND the actual Soul. There is no awareness of EVEN Soul in this waking BEING state. For the Holy Trinity is beyond Soul level. There are NO THOUGHTS in this waking state.

Therefore no belief systems, no separated HUMAN WILL POWER. Only the ESSENCE and ENERGETIC POWER of God permeating, through ‘you’ as ONE Consciousness. As this state, everything is simply experienced within ONE Consciousness. In this state, there is no ‘I’ or ‘ I am’. It is just being… in you, through you, of you, as IT. It is this, that gives out from your empty vessel and empty mind. It is the everything, through you. But there is no you, or aspects of ‘you’.

Everything is ultimately in Divine Order. It always has been and always shall be. And the way…is through each one’s heart.
With so much love to all,
2 November 2023
(Please, no private messages for now, thank you )