A new Cosmic Race has come forward to assist in this activation. It is less of a race and more of an energy which can take many forms. They come from what we refer to as the Greater Cosmic Source, but they are telling me that we may call them the Aquarians. They assure me that this is not because they are associated with the constellation of Aquarius more than any other star system, but is more due to the stronger Resonance of Cosmic Consciousness within aquatic realms, and perhaps also due to our entrance into the Aquarian age.
This activation works with the Central Nervous System (the brain and spinal cord), the Enteric Nervous System (the gut), and the reproductive organs. The gut holds an immense amount of nervous tissue which communicates a vast amount of information at all times. This is why the gut is often referred to as a second brain, is the basis of the “gut instinct”, and is the reassign why people have digestive issues when their nervous systems are overwhelmed.
The reproductive organs also hold an immense amount of nervous tissue. The ENS and the RNS (the term we’ve just invented for the Reproductive Nervous System) are directly connected to the CNS by bundles of nerve cells located on spinal segments near each corresponding organ. As the spinal cord is really just a continuation of the brain, if there is any trauma to the gut or to the reproductive organs, there is a greater propensity for mental and emotional instability.
If these traumas were experienced within other lifetimes, upon other timelines, or have been otherwise closed off from our conscious awareness (usually by choice), they may lie latent until triggered. The resulting and seemingly foreign input from the RNS or ENS to the CNS may feel a bit like mind control, causing us to say things or to do things which may be extremely out of character. It is our goal to take the shame away from such behaviors and instead to bring in a greater level of understanding, self-compassion, and self-responsibility leading to a renewed sense of self-empowerment after deep trauma.
In addition to trauma, there has been a great deal of inharmonic programming forced upon the ENS and the RNS and therefore within the lower 2-3 chakras, mostly by various forms of technology and by religious, social, and medical propaganda. The main timelines in which these events have taken place have been closed down on a collective level, but some still remain upon various fragmented and rapidly dissolving inharmonic timelines. Regardless, this type of programming will remain within your cellular memory until it is intentionally cleared. This activation should assist you in releasing it once and for all.
To initiate this activation, you may call upon the Aquarians or upon Cosmic Consciousness itself and ask for the Greater Clarity Activation. Be open to whatever form it takes for you, from a feeling, to a color, to an energy, or to a Being. You will most likely be surrounded in Light for this activation, particularly above your head and below your feet.
This activation will clear and activate the lower two chakras (root and sacral). There is often a clearing of the solar plexus as well due to the tendency for power to be given away due to programming and trauma loops. This activation will also clear and activate the upper three head chakras (crown, pineal, and pituitary), which reflect the lower three. The position I would recommend to begin is to lie on your back with your knees up, as this encourages a softening of the lower spine and sacrum as well as a greater level of release through the lower two chakras. It may be helpful to place your hands over your sacral area as shown.
As the activation begins, you may feel a sensation of heat and/or pulsing in this area. Allow it to expand to its full potential with utmost gratitude. You may experiment with curling your fingers in order to use your fingertips for a more focused energy flow as in previous activations, either to initiate a release or to address a specific area of discomfort. Sensations of tissue release may move down towards the root area or up to the solar plexus area. If you feel that it would be helpful, you may move your hands down around the hip bones or up to the solar plexus to follow or to encourage the sensations of release in these areas.
These releases may also be felt posteriorly through the spine and sacrum which support these energy centers. Another reason why I like this position so much is because when there is a nice release from the sacral area, you can use your feet to tilt the bottom of your pelvis upwards in order to allow for a most satisfying adjustment (crack/pop) deep within the sacrum.
Sensations of release may be mirrored within the head simultaneously, shortly afterwards, or whenever Cosmic Consciousness finds it appropriate. Sensations of release will most likely take the form of pulsing deep within the center of the brain. The pituitary gland and the pineal gland lie at the front and the back of the diencephalon, respectively. The diencephalon contains the thalamus and the hypothalamus and is considered to be part of the limbic system, a.k.a. the emotional brain. sensations of release may also radiate outward to the skull in the form of heat and/or pulsing between the cranial bones. Sensations of release may also be felt in the upper thoracic and cervical regions of the spine, especially in the back of the neck where there is a high concentration of bundled nerves.
More visual people may perceive various forms of darker energies leaving these energy centers and moving into the Cosmic Light which has been placed within your energy field for the purposes of this activation. Once again, do not allow any visual input, or lack thereof, to distract you from the sensations of release. Collective and Planetary embodiers may feel quite a bit of intensity with this activation. Thank you for your service to humanity.
As its name suggests, this activation should bring you a much greater sense of clarity. It is strongly advised to move through our trinity of Heart Activations either before or very soon after this activation in order to strengthen your Harmonic Core. If you are having trouble initiating this activation, this would be our suggestion to you. All previous activations can be found through the link below.
With great love from Hazel, the Aquarians, et al of Cosmic Consciousness 

Previous Activations: https://dolphinresonance.org/arcturian-activations
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