donderdag 30 november 2023

I Love You song ~ Michael and Carolyn Roads

Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn and Michael here. As a follow-up to the collective healing we all did for Michael a few weeks ago, Helga, who was on our German team when we traveled, suggested that we do another off-line healing focus for Michael, while singing with (listening to . . . humming . . . or just feeling the words) the “I Love You” song by Nanne and Ankie, that was a prominent part of our international live events for many years.
Rather than have the focus be only on Michael . . . we thought it would be good to start out with Michael, and then expand the focus of our energy out to embrace all life on Earth. Feel our Divine Being resonating from our hearts and souls . . . encompassing the world with Luminous Light and unconditional Love, dissolving all shadows. Feel or visualise humanity living in peace and freedom, harmony and Love, with harm to none. See our world through the eyes of Love. The biggest lesson for all humanity is to once again migrate back to this place of Love.
We cannot open new doors with old keys . . . and Love is the key that opens the door to the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension. Only the unparalleled power of Love will take us there. So let us come together in consciousness for however long it feels appropriate to you, on Sunday, 3 December, at 9AM your time, and generate a continuous wave of Love enveloping our beautiful Earth. It’s all good!
Shine on, ever brighter . . .
In luminous Love and Light,
Carolyn, Michael, Nanne, Ankie, Helga and Maarten
Here is the link for the song: