zaterdag 18 november 2023



With much gratitude and Divine Love we are being given the space to finalise our own healing, which benefits ALL.

Today, Love yourself a little more, be extra compassionate and kind to yourself. ALLOW your beautiful inner LIGHT to enfold all your four lower bodies, like a warm blanket bringing comfort, peace and deep core healing into every cell of your being. Visualise your bodies filled with beautiful Diamond White Light. ALLOW yourself to sit quietly and see what arises for healing, inspect each item with curiosity of a child and without judgement, when ready to accept, embrace it, then dissolve it with unconditional love and deep forgiveness for all involved.

Send out unconditional blessings to all. I am truly grateful to EVERY soul I have ever met in this and all previous lifetimes. I truly thank from the depth of my heart those beautiful souls, who have guided me, gentled me in the right direction. I thank all those souls who were truly angels in disguise! Who knows when we meet or met a Master? I now understand, or innerstand, they come in many very ‘ordinary’ formats!

I forgive those who dissed me, and turned their backs on me without explanation. I now innerstand, with hindsight, the reasons why my guides found this a necessary way to shift my perspective, direction or course. It happens to us all. Looking back on this life I see a long winding path leading to this awesome moment of healing with Divine Love and full realisation of ONENESS. I accept this healing with deepest gratitude.

I am truly grateful to YOU, for being my friend, for being a wonderful awesome member of my Soul Family. Thank you too for all the brave work you are doing with your own healing and the work you do with the LIGHT to heal Lady Gaia and assist with her, and our, transformation into New Earth.

As we lift our own vibrations by the choices we make every moment, we lift those of ALL LIFE on our planet and beyond. No pressure Starseeds!

I LOVE YOU dearly!

ONLY LOVE is REAL. We are preparing for the most awesome event, not just for our planet, but for other planets, for what we do here affects the whole cosmos. Start with being kind and gentle with yourself…there are NO mistakes just learning curves!
- Josephine