zaterdag 18 november 2023

Higher Truth Activation ~ Laura Hazel

Higher Truth Activation
This activation is centered around the throat chakra. I have seen it performed in conjunction with both the Cetaceans and the Arcturians. The throat chakra has been highly damaged and convoluted throughout human history as humanity became conditioned to speak and therefore to create lower resonating and more convoluted truths.

The words we speak influence all of the cells within our bodies and determine both the reality we create and the level of resonance we hold. All of the words we have ever spoken are stored within or cells, particularly within the tissues of the throat, neck, jaw, and mouth. Words which which are not spoken in Love and even tones of voice which are not resonating in Love, the standard frequency of the Harmonic Universe, will cause both physical and energetic density, stagnancy, and tension within these areas.
Additionally, many of us have been punished or even killed for speaking our Truth in the past, and this trauma is stored within the cellular memory of these areas. Not only is it necessary to purge the energy of all inharmonic words and expressions, it may also be necessary to forgive both ourselves and others for the things which have come to pass as a result of speaking our truths, whether they were spoken in Love or not. The energetic imprints of all of the words that we would like to say but do not say also remain within these areas, creating more density and usually manifesting as a lack of expression.
Issues in this area will also often cause headaches due to a lack of energy flow between the head and the heart. As stated in previous activations, the throat area is also highly connected with the solar plexus / respiratory diaphragm by a sheath of fascial tissue, so issues in one will always be reflected in the other, which is why Empowerment and Expression will always go hand-in-hand.
There are two options of hand placement as part of this activation, and we highly recommend trying them both. The front hand will stay in roughly the same position, and we suggest starting with the back hand cradling the back of the neck as shown. To begin, simply ask the Arcturians, the Cetaceans, or both for the Higher Truth Activation. Once again, your Arcturian aspect of Self may place their hands over yours to assist in facilitation. The Cetaceans do not need hands to initiate some powerful cellular releases and activations within this area.
The activation will begin with a feeling of heat, pulsing, or both. Allow all sensations to expand to their fullest potential with utmost gratitude, and allow them to continue for as long as they would like to. Sensations may move up into the head, particularly through the jaw and ears, which are highly connected to the throat chakra by various connective tissues. Sensations may be felt in the solar plexus / respiratory diaphragm via the connecting fascial sheath, and even all the way down the spine and into the sacrum.
If you are a visual person, it can be helpful to visualize what color the energy in your throat is both before and after this activation, noting the shade and quality of the color. You may even perceive words leaving your throat area as your tissues release. What words remain upon completion? Take note of the color, shade, and texture of these words before and after this activation as well. If you do not perceive anything visually, it does not mean that the activation is any less effective. It is also important not to allow any visual input or lack thereof to be a distraction to the sensations. Feeling a change is always more effective than seeing a change.
Once the sensations subside for the time being, you may shift your back hand so that your fingertips are resting directly on top of the spine at the back of the neck as shown. You should feel the sensations of release and activation shift to the spinal area, and once again may be felt up into the head, through the entire spine, and down into the sacrum. Allow all sensations to continue for as long as they would like to.
Once the sensations subside completely, the tissues within your neck and throat area should feel considerably softer to the touch. If you are someone who likes to speak their mind regardless of the consequences, if you are someone who suffers from a lack of communication or expression, if you have not always spoken from your heart, and if you aware of past physical or energetic trauma to this area, it will almost certainly be necessary to revisit this activation again as more layers come up for release. You will know when it is time to do so when you begin to feel a new wave of tension and discomfort in this area. We are ever Present with you through these processes.
With Great Love from Hazel, the Cetacean Collective, and the Arcturian Collective 💜
Previous Activations, Sessions, and more:
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