This activation is centered around the C7 vertebra, which is the one which sticks out the most at the base of the neck. There are layers and layers of muscle tissue in this area which support the back, neck, and shoulders. Many of these muscles attach directly to C7, making it a great access point for cellular release and activation. The giant release of tension, restriction, and density which is possible with this activation may be felt all throughout these areas.
There is no hand position associated with this activation, although you are free to try one out if you would like. This activation relies upon a strong connection and a strong sense of trust in your Arcturian aspect of self. 75% of humanity upon the level of existence in which you are reading these words currently has active Arcturian DNA, meaning that 75% of you have full access to your Arcturian aspect of self. With Arcturian activations currently occurring en masse, even without these transmissions, this number is swiftly rising. Given the nature of the audience who is reading this, that number is likely much closer to 100%, as it is upon the higher levels of existence of this planet, which we are quickly rising into.
This activation is done while you are laying down, and it does not matter which position you are in. The most important thing is that you are fully comfortable as a successful release and activation will bring deep relaxation to a point of semi-consciousness.
You may use the photograph accompanying this post to assist you in connecting with the Arcturians. You may perceive more than one, and they may vary between many shades of blue and purple, and perhaps even white. Do not worry if you do not perceive them consciously at this time. A favorite dolphin saying: “You do not need to see them to Trust that they are there.”
To initiate this activation, simply ask the Arcturians for the Greater Ease Activation, and be sure to give your body full permission to do whatever it needs to do to release and to activate upon a cellular level. This activation will most likely begin with an energetic pulsing sensation at the base of the back of the neck and the upper thoracic region around the C7 vertebra. Please allow it to expand to its full magnitude with utmost gratitude. The pulsing may also be accompanied by a sensation of heat. These sensations may radiate outward in all directions as the many layers of muscle tissue throughout the back, neck, and shoulders release as part of this activation. The sensations may move up and down the spine, perhaps all the way down into the sacrum and almost certainly up the neck and into the head. Allow all sensations to continue for as long as they would like to.
Once the sensations subside, begin moving very slowly. You may have some cracking and popping of the joints throughout your back, neck, and shoulders, and you may hear more visceral sounds as adhesions within the muscle tissues and the connective tissues are released as well. This is a great one to ask for anytime you are feeling stressed out, tense, or overwhelmed, because once complete, you should feel a much greater sense of ease, as the name of this activation suggests.
With Great Love from Hazel and the Arcturians
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