TODAY YOU HAVE MORE OF THOSE MAGICAL ENERGIES. Didn't feel them yesterday? They'll be even stronger today.
If you enjoyed the energies yesterday, then you will love today.
You are being saturated in these beautiful golden honey Bliss energies.
They truly help you feel the truth of YOU.
Today will be much like yesterday, only more intense in a wonderful way.
You also have a possibility of Coronal Mass Ejection arriving later today.
This CME will arrive with a planetary shock, and then KP levels will rise.
You also have the possibility of M & X Solar Flares.
Anything is possible today.
Who knows, the Schumann Resonance might even come back online. But it seems to like to be down during big energy events lately.
So take the ELF tool being down as a sign of considerable energies all around.
It's a magical day and weekend of enormous energies where literally ANYTHING is possible.
It's all about you and where you believe you begin and end.
You can do anything or create anything that you genuinely believe.
So expand your mind and create a day that will be MAGICAL for you.
You Create Your Reality, so AIM BIG. You deserve it ALL!
Everything is changing now, you feel it.
Very, very, soon the Clarion Call will sound and everything will change.
Enjoy this now moment while you are in it.
Happy Weekend Amazing One!
-SA Smith