zaterdag 7 oktober 2023

Cosmic Frequency News 6 October 2023 – Jupiter’s Part In Solar Energy – By Dr. Schavi M. Ali

Cosmic Frequency News 6 October 2023

Jupiter’s Part In Solar Energy

Cosmic Frequency News 6 October 2023 – Jupiter’s Part In Solar Energy – By Dr. Schavi M. Ali

According to mainstream science, approximately every 11 years is a “Solar Cycle”—a time when solar energy is either very strong or weak in terms of solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), etc.

We are in a strong cycle now, and daily solar flares and CMEs are very powerful.

SOURCE has created the cosmos and all that occurs in it as messages. However, this is not new.

Ancient Spiritual Scientists knew about planetary energy and its effects upon our Earth which in Sanskrit is called “Privthi”, and these ancient Mystics considered the planet Jupiter (“Brahaspati”) to be a major player in solar cycles.

They taught that about every 12 years (not 11) that Jupiter aligned with Earth (not via astrological sign but by actual alignment), and when this occurs, solar flares, CMEs, etc. increase in strength and power to affect the Earth and all upon “Her” in various ways. Such is happening now.

At these times is when humanity is given a great choice in leveling up in spiritual understanding or destroying itself after having been given numerous other opportunities to learn Divine Principles.

Jupiter has a different orbit than our Earth, but when these two planets “eye” one another from “across the galactic table”, there is an increase in planetary heat as well as earthquakes, floods, and storms as the Sun increases in strength due to Jupiter coming closer in Earth’s orbit and because Jupiter also “feeds” our Sun with extra energy which is then given to Earth.

Jupiter is an expansive planet which can expand whatever is occurring on Earth—either beneficent happenings or disharmonious workings. Thus, Jupiter is not always only beneficent.

It expands, as just mentioned, whatever is the primary collective thought (consciousness) on the Earth and on any other planet in this galaxy. We are concerned here in this article, however, with Earth.

If our planet is taken care of and nurtured, and if all of creation upon “Her” is valued and appreciated, then conditions can be harmonious in all ways.

However, if the opposite occurs, then there is the possibility of planet-wide destruction.

There have already been warnings given by the horrendous earthquakes and floods in certain places earlier this year as well as the intense heat and storms which have devastated many places.

As earlier mentioned, Jupiter is in alignment with our planet. This will further heighten the major potency of the coming Solar (October 14th) and Lunar (October 28th) Eclipses which have already been detailed in their energies in a previous article.

Ancient “Cosmic Science” was not so much concerned about specific degrees between planets (although they certainly did teach about them); there was instead great focus upon “where” planets lined-up in terms of each other because here is where they noticed that particular events were prevalent upon the Earth.

Thus, to reiterate, they realized that when Jupiter aligned with Earth (“Brahaspati” and “Privthi”), there was either a “Golden Age” (“Sattva Yuga”—“Age of Peace”) or a destructive cycle of events (“Kali Yuga”—“Age of Chaos”) in progress because again, to emphasize, Jupiter expands whatever is occurring.

This is what many modern-day “Astrologers” do not understand. They teach that Jupiter only gives blessings because of its expansive, beneficent nature.

In this “Now” which “Spiritual Scientists” or “Cosmic Scientists” are delivering messages about, Jupiter will be in alignment with our planet throughout the rest of this year and well into “2024” and “2025”.

Interestingly, Pluto, which has been much discussed, will have moved into Tropical Aquarius and Sidereal Capricorn by January 21st of 2024 and will be there until “2044”. During Pluto’s transit in these Tropical and Sidereal signs, there will have been at least two more direct alignments with Jupiter and Earth.

Will collective humanity soon quickly elevate in consciousness so as to “birth” that wonderful “Golden Age” era which is due to last for many thousands of years?

Will there be a continual downward slide such that this planet, as one of the world’s scriptures warns, could be “pounded to powder” ?