This activation expands upon the Greater Presence Activation in the area of the root chakra. Before moving through the Greater Stability Activation, which works with the soft tissues within and around the pelvis, we highly recommend reading and moving through the Greater Presence Activation which works directly with the Sacrum and speaks of the importance of “softening”, of feeling safe, and also works hand-in-hand with the Greater Integration Activation to assist in the physical mergence of timelines in order to feel less scattered and more Present.
All previous Activations can be found at
The root chakra is actually meant to span across the entire body, from one hip to the other, especially once we expand our hearts and therefore our toroidal energy fields and require a widening of our Central Column of Light. Embodying our full Light and stepping fully into our power within physicality is not possible until we work through all of the programming and the trauma embedded deep within the cellular memory of this area over many lifetimes and upon many timelines.
All of our deepest and most restrictive programs and emotions live in the pelvic area: fear, scarcity, lack, hatred, resentment, judgment, shame, guilt, rage, and more. Many things associated with these programs and emotions will be let go or dissolved through this activation, but some things may be transmuted or transformed and reintegrated as their love-based and expansive opposites. In order to do any of these things, all of the old things must first be forgiven on a cellular level. If the following activation is successful, you may feel the Cellular Liberation reverberate through your entire body.
I must thank my last client for being the second person to let me know that the word “release” is less than ideal because it actually gives permission for renewal. The words “let go”, “dissolve”, or “Liberate” are all great alternatives and I find the term “Cellular Liberation” to be very empowering. I’ll be editing all of my content as well as my personal vocabulary moving forward.
If you feel into the soft tissues above the pubic bone, along the bikini line, and around the hip bones, they should be just that - soft. If they are tense or hard to the touch then you are working through a restricted connection to the Earth and to your physical reality, which can make it difficult to remain Present in your conscious awareness, uncomfortable to remain Present within your body, difficult to genuinely connect with your environment and all those within it, and/or difficult to maintain your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic balance.
The hand position for this activation is intuitive. Feel into the areas around your pelvis where you feel the most tension and place your fingertips or your palms gently over them, inviting the sensations of Cellular Liberation, which most commonly take the form of heat, pulsing, or tingling. Allow these sensations to expand to their fullest potential with utmost gratitude, and pay attention to anything your body communicates to you. It may come in the form of a feeling, a memory, a person, a situation, or an image. Observe the emotions which accompany whatever is being presented to you instead of allowing yourself to be engulfed by them and begin to move through the processes of forgiveness and Cellular Liberation from whatever presents itself.
As stated in previous activations, the easiest and most effective way to do this is to merge your conscious awareness with your cells and to use the words “WE forgive” and “WE let go” of the emotion, situation, etc. You will definitely feel it if you are successful, and once again, you may also feel sensations in other parts of the body given the interconnected nature of all of our tissues. You may also feel energy moving out of your pelvic area and down your legs. It is important to give your body permission to do whatever it needs to do to let go, including things we have not mentioned. If you are having trouble initiating any of our activations, there may be a number of other factors at play. Feel free to reach out to us for a personal session if you feel called to do so.
Any deep trauma to the pelvic area will require a deeper level of forgiveness to yourself and to all involved as well as the healing and re-integration of any aspects of self which may have fragmented at the time of the trauma.
As a Craniosacral Therapy practitioner, I find myself wishing that there was more focus upon the tissues within the pelvic area, which are just as complex as and also highly connected with those in the throat and cranial base but are often overlooked due to the stigma which surrounds working directly with them outside of a medical office, at least within this country. The fear and shame around working with these parts of ourselves are the very things trapped within their cellular memory, and avoidance will only continue to keep us all functioning in a state of separation and detachment from our environment and from one another.
If you are lucky enough to have a partner within physicality who is open to this level of work, proceed with their assistance only if you are 100% sure that they can meet you where you need to be in Unconditional Love and non-judgment and that they will be able to hold the Healing Presence necessary for this deep Cellular Liberation and Activation. More visual and multidimensional friends may call upon non-physical assistance in whatever benevolent and harmonic form comes forward to assist, perhaps an Arcturian or another aspect of yourself who is able to actually reach within your tissues to further assist you. There is no limit to what you may find there together.
This activation will almost certainly require several layers of Cellular Liberation. When combined with an open and activated Heart Trinity which is functioning at a high capacity, each layer should bring you to a higher level of resonance within physicality and should also enable a greater level of physical, emotional, mental, and energetic stability within it.
The next step will be encoding the cells within the pelvic area with the energy of Love, Safety, Gratitude, and Abundance. Enjoy functioning from an expanded platform composed of these energies and watching your physical reality, your career, and your relationships transform before your eyes
With Great Love from Hazel & Friends
Special thanks to Aia June for this one