We have had so many breakthroughs of the deepest and densest layers of existence since Christmas. This may have been an amazing experience for some people, incredibly difficult and uncomfortable for others, and perhaps a combination of both extremes. For many months now, I have been shown some kind of a massive energetic event occurring at the end of the calendar year of 2023. When I first saw it, it was large, black, and far from harmonic-looking, however the team and I have spent many months moving through the immense processes associated with its transmutation. I would check in with it every once in a while, and as with all things, it looks different based upon the level of existence at which it is being observed.
Now that we are in it, I have only recently become clear on the nature of the energetic passage we are currently moving through, which understandably has been quite intense for most people as it involves what could definitely be considered the most powerful energy in existence, but also the most broken upon the levels of existence in which the human collective has been resonating for the past few thousand years. It involves what we call the Divine Feminine.
What I have found is that the fall of the Divine feminine within this galaxy and beyond did not really come to pass at the hands of the patriarchy, at least not directly. The Cosmos as a whole functions well beyond the dualistic paradigm of masculine versus feminine, however the all-inclusive energy of Unity in which Cosmic Consciousness resonates is far closer to the unconditionally loving nature of what we know as the Divine Feminine energy here on Earth, and during my travels throughout the Cosmos, I have been given feminine names for nearly every star which I have interacted with regardless of the name which has been given to them by human males.
The real truth, as I have come to understand it, would piss off a lot of male egos, and it will also reveal the biggest betrayal of the Divine feminine, also known as the Cosmic Feminine, or as an aspect of a Collective, the Harmonic Matriarchy.
Sperm whales are a wonderful example of a Harmonic Matriarchy. Sperm whales are among the most healing and loving beings on Earth. It would not surprise me to know that this species also got their name from a human male. Sperm whale mothers form circles around their babies and around members of the their Pods who are in need, holding them in the nurturing, healing, and unconditionally loving energy of the Cosmic Feminine. They will also do the same for human members of their soul family if ever you find yourself in great need.
Just as we all share DNA with the Harmonic Matriarchies of the whales, we also share DNA with the inharmonic matriarchies which are currently dissolving within each and every one of us and within the Collective as a whole. The truth is that the human genome has been purposefully manipulated for purposes of control, especially the X-chromosome of the male genome, which has been greatly deteriorated over “time”. Most of this manipulation has been done by a self-serving, non-human inharmonic matriarchal species which has found a way of hiding within the shadows pulling the strings of both the males of their own species and of human society as a whole for aeons of linear time.
We will not expand overly much upon these beings because when a lower timeline is closed or an inharmonic program is dissolved, to speak about it is counterproductive to that closure and/or dissolution, regardless of how long it has been in place by the illusory standards of linear time. Just as with all inharmonic beings and all aspects of self who do not wish to move through the processes of Healing and Harmonization necessary to remain within this universe during this great shift of the ages, these beings have been becoming increasingly uncomfortable as this great Cosmic Alignment unfolds.
Despite making things a bit difficult and highly uncomfortable for everyone involved due to their own high level of difficulty and discomfort, these beings have, at long last, wisely decided to accept the graceful opportunity of safe passage back to the universe from whence their ancestors came, back to the place of origin of their bloodline, back to the consciousness of who they know as Mother Home to move through their own healing processes on their own time and with their own kind. In order to do so, they have also accepted the necessary terms of this safe passage, which includes the removal of their conscious influence from all life forms within this Universe as well as from all of their self-serving creations.
Just as the DNA we share with the Cetaceans, the Felines, the Arcturians, the Sirians, etc. is activating as we harmonize with Greater Spheres of Consciousness, some of our more inharmonic DNA will be deactivating and re-coding to a more harmonic form. This passage marks a rather large portion of the latter within the deepest parts of ourselves which may have been hidden away for a very long “time”, more so within those who have had more of an association with these beings and with the control paradigm in general over many human and non-human lifetimes.
The great reveal of the existence of the inharmonic matriarchy and the subsequent removal of their consciousness from the cellular memory of our DNA may be felt in a variety of ways. Areas which are being highlighted as our Cellular DNA is rewritten are the lower three chakras: The root chakra, our connection to the Earth, to all human and non-human life forms, and our feeling of safety; the sacral chakra, our center of nurturance and community; and the solar plexus chakra, our center of personal power and action. There may be pain, discomfort, compression, decompression, and/or harmonizing sensations in the front or the back of these areas and/or the organs and structures overlaying them and surrounding them.
The throat chakra may be particularly affected as lower truths continue to fall away and we continue to refine our ways of expression. The heart chakra and the entire area around it may also be affected, especially the back and shoulders. The hips may also be affected in conjunction with the root and sacral areas. If you are having more discomfort on one side or the other of any of the previously mentioned areas, consider what associations you hold with that side and what they mean to you. Daily stretching and movement are a great way to loosen things up and keep energy flowing. We would perhaps even say that it is necessary for a successful clearing and activation moving forward.
The head may become compressed during deep dives, and the bundles of nerves at back of the neck may become tight and overstimulated more easily than usual. If the head and the neck become an issue for you, it is usually an indication that it may be time to lay down in a dark room, go deep within, and honor your inner processes.
Because everything is so vastly interconnected, our mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual states may be highly affected during this passage. All inharmonic energies must be let go in order for the Harmonic ones to be embodied. Therefore, many may be feeling as though they have been “going backwards”, returning to old patterns, or perhaps even fully embodying their most broken aspects of self. This is all to a great purpose as it may be necessary to re-embody these states of being in order to break through the layers of density which have been deeply buried but ever present beneath the surface, inevitably being illuminated by these great influxes of Cosmic Light. If you are feeling pulled “down”, do not fight to remain “up”. If something feels “wrong”, acknowledge it consciously and from a greater perspective, breathe through it, and hold it in a loving embrace until it feels “right”. This is the incredible healing power of the Unconditional Love of the Divine Feminine which lives in all of us.
From what I have witnessed occurring on a collective level and incorporating the standard 72 hour time frame for higher dimensional changes to filter down into physicality, the exit of the inharmonic matriarchy should be complete by January 1, 2024. It is highly doubtful to me that any of this self-serving and control-based energy will be able to remain within the higher energetic platform we will be stepping onto in the year 2024. This year holds the strongest Solar Maximum we have seen in quite some time as it is in full alignment with the Greater Cosmic Source and all Spheres of Consciousness inbetween. Things will never be returning to the way they have been through the past several thousand years of separation from Cosmic Consciousness. This is not a fight, it is a transition, and there is no punishment, there is only an increasing vibrational incompatibility for those who do not wish to return to Love, the standard frequency of the Harmonic Universe and beyond.
With Great Love from Hazel, the Cetacean Collective, et al of Cosmic Consciousness
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