is THIS LOVE sooooooo soooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooo deep
deeeeeeeeeep deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep INSIDE of you.... it
is the PURITY OF YOUR OWN SOUL. This LOVE holds no boundaries and
transcends all things "human" here. This LOVE IS YOU, from the DEPTHS OF
your PUREST SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS, when you are fully conscious, present
and LIVING AS THIS PURE LOVE with your every breath (too). ♥
This LOVE will be activated in various ways.... through beauty, presence, Divine Essence... through re-CONNECTING from DEEP INSIDE and never separating off ever again. There are INFINITE WAYS to activate. Yours is to utilize every one of them.... ♦
This LOVE is YOU... which means that in order to BE YOU, you MUST BE PURE LOVE.... in every MOMENT, in EVERY EXCHANGE... yet "learning" HOW TO LIVE AS PURITY... is the process of Awakening on a SOUL Level and your every moment, every choice/decision, every thought, every ACT will SHOW YOU.... how much you are able to actually EXIST AS YOUR OWN PURE DIVINE SOUL here.
This LOVE holds no lack, no compromise, no distrACTions, no discord... it is not TAINTED by anything "human ego". THIS LOVE is your ONLY WAY.... the ONLY WAY that you KNOW... yet to RETURN TO THIS PURITY, you will go through/experience/feel/be faced with everything "not this", which is a part of your own TRANSITION from your own Old Earth Realities/Existence... OVER to your NEW EARTH REALities/Existence here. Your entire body must clear all programming, as well as your entire reality be re-aligned continually here.
This LOVE is the FOUNDATION for all of your NEW EARTH REALITIES... where you are creating, forming, shaping and building all anew. This PURE LOVE is HOW you LIVE NEW EARTH, A VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE that RETURNS vibrational matches to what you hold/transmit/LIVE.... YOUR NEW EARTH EXISTENCE is your HEAVEN ON EARTH, which is "found" as you transverse the DEPTHS of your own BEing and you bring THIS PURE LOVE FORTH and you SHARE IT .... in every way... to AFFECT/TOUCH ALL AS PURE LOVE here.....
NEW EARTH is YOUR HEAVEN... where your SOUL Lives in your Body fully... treating all with immense kindness, compassion and deep sacred RESPECT, where YOU HAVE REMEMBERED FULLY why you are here and HOW TO LIVE AS HEAVENLY LIGHT BEINGS.... in your own physical reality here. YOUR LIGHT PRECEDES YOU.... opening portals, lighting passageways/your path.... YOUR LIGHT TOUCHES ALL by transmitting PURE LOVE.... you need not speak or "do" anything... that's a bonus gift. Your kindness emanates from within you. Others FEEL this, whether they understand it or not (as humans mis-perceive pure actions and try to "grab ahold", because they want this too, as it's also the LIGHT OF THEIR OWN SOUL.... as you awaken this aspect within them, when you LIVE AS PURITY .... they FEEL YOU... you need not touch... as that is "human too". Many won't "understand" this "way", as it "pushes their own stuff up"... yet this is a part of the process, where everything NOT PURE/LOVE becomes visible/felt, so each can "see it" and RESOLVE THIS THROUGH FULL CONSCIOUSNESS their own self. It's a part of RETURNING to FULL Consciousness here.....
HEAVEN ON EARTH is the physical "playground", the blissful, kind, magical, peaceful, loving and completely JOY-filled abundant REALity that you/we all LIVE AS OUR WHOLE EXPERIENCE here, when/as we ALL LIVE FROM THIS PLACE/THIS SPACE inside of us and NEW EARTH IS OUR ONLY REALITY we will allow... WE HOLD THE REALITY IN PLACE... it's OURS... so when anything "not in HARMONY" with this "appears", we see it, understand it and we can CHOOSE HOW TO DEAL, as is most appropriate, on a Quantum/Energetic Level.... which is an "equation" of many variables/quotients that are "computed" by all that is PRESENT... as REALities have CONSTRUCTS and these constructs/matrixes are visible....
NEW EARTH REALITIES are very different than OLD Earth's were. The foundation is built on PURITY, so realities don't "collapse" like human ones do. OLD EARTH REALities are collapsed by US, as we can see the constructs and collapse the whole thing if it's not aligned with PURITY ITSELF. REALities breathe, move and dance and come together in FULL UNION here. They "take form" based upon the vibrations, energy and LIVING CONSCIOUS DNA present.... through deep sacred connectedness, where all is ONE, working in UNISON.... all in DIVINE FLOW..... materializing into form as each accomplishes/holds the NEW IN PLACE long enough for the physical to appear/arrive as a vibrational MATCH....
THIS PURE LOVE is the cleanest, finest, most in-tune harmonics that can be TRANSMITTED OUT.... across all dimensions and space-time... as it does not hold the "confusing signals" (discord) of the human ego, therefore dissonance is not being transmitted out (on a cellular/molecular/body template level), when one's LIGHTBODY (SOULBODY) IS THE BODY PRESENT and in charge/command. As each BECOMES their LIGHTBODY fully, the human ego programs become visible for resolving/dissolving easily, because this unconscious programming "has no place or hold" anymore, as it REPRESENTS Old Earth, which is not where our Soul's live....
THIS PURE LOVE is what all human aspects "seek", yet do not fully understand. This RE-CONNECTED STATE is "foreign" at first, challenging everything the human aspect once "thought" it "knew" (and believed).... this LINEARITY is separation and it IS WHAT KEEPS EACH from LIVING their own HEAVEN FULLY HERE.....
NEW EARTH IS A QUANTUM EXISTENCE.... nothing like the old realities of "before". All new "rules" replace the old... which are Universal & Cosmic and Quantum.... (Light Codes), where PHOTONIC ACTIVITY over-writes all that was linear before.....
NEW EARTH first appears through expansion processes that AWAKEN each's AWARENESS, then beginning a massive PASSAGEWAY of each restructuring and re-aligning their own reality on a SOUL LEVEL.... every aspect, every relationship, every ACT, every exchange....
NEW EARTH becomes visible as each's HEART OPENS FULLY, then activating each's HIGHER HEART to open fully and come online too. PURE BEAUTY, PURE DIVINITY, PURE BLISS and MAGIC... these ARE just a FEW OF NEW EARTH ENERGIES.... bringing forth from within each PURE GRATITUDE, PURE APPRECIATION, PURE KINDNESS, PURE RECIPROCATION..... where your LightBody DNA activates an immense (and continually accelerating) physical (body/reality) density clearing process that occurs over much linear time (as long as separation is held within)....
NEW EARTH REALities are RECIPROCATIVE.... it's where all SHARE THE ABUNDANCE that they are/have/hold.... NEW EARTH IS SHARING, supporting and LIVING AS YOUR HIGHEST ASPECTS AND VERSIONS --- ALL OF THE TIME and never going to sleep/unconscious (closing your heart/mind) anymore....
NEW EARTH is where you are FREE INSIDE.... completely and in every way. You don't go small anymore and play in the "less game" of the ego.... as you've REMEMBERED FULLY, because your heart is WIDE OPEN and you are ONE with all as PURE LOVE AGAIN.... and YOU LIVE IT by touching the lives of all others... to SHOW THEM WHAT PURE LOVE IS ... so that THEY CAN REMEMBER too.... and awaken THROUGH LOVE, instead of the "old ways" of suffering, struggling, harsh, rough, resistance.... unless this is the path they choose to open their hearts fully here. Many of us chose that path, because we didn't understand.... now things are very different.
Struggling and suffering are the ego's journey, which is how the separation programming is dissolved/breaks.... and only a "necessity" when PURE LOVE IS NOT THE CHOSEN PATH by each.
NEW EARTH is not just words spoken, it's a whole new way of LIVING AND EXISTING, where each say "NO" to the old and no longer accept unconsciousness (disconnected "no love/respect" state) as REALity anymore.... UNCONSCIOUSNESS (lacking Purity Love) is the OPPOSITE of what REALity is..... yet EACH MUST LOCATE where this is INSIDE and bring it forth, as NEW EARTH IS BORN/BIRTHED and grown/matures from deep within...........
NEW EARTH IS INNOCENCE returned, it's the OPPOSITE of Unconsciousness, so in order to RETURN to full Consciousness, all of those protection mechanisms, survival modes/techniques and dis-beliefs "have to go". NEW EARTH becomes VISIBLE as each's HEART IS FULLY OPEN and the beauty, magnificence, magic and PURE JOY is FELT and EXPERIENCED with the whole body/being........ where SIMPLICITY is chosen over "complicated", where ease is chosen over struggle, where Unity is chosen over separation/duality...........
NEW EARTH is where each truly CARE, FROM THE PUREST PLACE INSIDE.... about each other, about your self, your LightBody, our beLOVED Gaia and all ..... where YOUR LOVE PRE-VEILS ... (yes I spelled it that way on purpose).
NEW EARTH YOU BRING FORTH, YOU LIVE IT... YOU ARE NEW EARTH, which connects you up to the Grids and Networking Systems already online here. YOU BECOME A PART OF SOMETHING MUCH BIGGER, where your presence and contributions are not only important, they are necessary for your own "admittance" here. You leave all judgment behind, you stop criticizing and playing in the unconscious games.... YOU CHOOSE NEW EARTH as YOUR ONLY REALITY.... too. ♥
NEW EARTH COMES FORTH AS IT BECOMES YOUR PRIORITY.... until then you will see all of this as an inconvenience and resist everything you most desire (on a Soul Level) here.
NEW Earth has INFINITE multiple versions running, so you get to CHOOSE what most is aligned and LIVE THAT... the foundation is what matters, not the place or things. How you ACT (behave), how you treat each other, how you show up/come through, how you HONOR your own HIGHEST SOUL AGREEMENTS this is what MATTERS and affects that which each perceive as REALity here.
THE ENERGY YOU HOLD, THE PURITY THAT YOU ARE... this dictates your NEW EARTH REALITIES here.... your own EXPERIENCES.... and determine "old earth" or "new".
VERSIONS OF REALITIES are relative to the versions and aspects THAT YOU ARE...... WHEN YOU LIVE YOUR FULLEST AS YOUR HIGHEST VERSIONS, your physical reality aligns to this..... BECAUSE you are treating all as LOVE, you are caring, you are kind, you are supporting, uplifting, inspiring, sharing, you are supporting (yet not enabling that's the opposite and we don't do that here). You are CREATING from your own PURITY.... you breathe LOVE into everything that you are, do, share... send out into the "world" to assist others... and you "work" on multi-dimensional levels, as a Quantum Light BEing here....
YOU UNDERSTAND THE PHYSICAL REALITY is a vibrational response to you..... you have REVERSED ALL and aligned your entire reality THROUGH PURITY.... you will accept nothing less in your own reality..... because you don't have to anymore.... when you are the fully conscious ONE.
Consciousness is Pure, it's LOVE, it's not what "human's" think.... It's the SOURCE of ALL, it's you as PURE SOURCE LIGHT living in a physical LIGHTbody, where your DNA/cells/molecules/atoms are constantly re-writing, re-coding and busy..... your whole body is LIGHT.... literally, Quantum Cells that are always charging, transmitting, communicating and reconfiguring what all perceive as "reality" here...............
NEW EARTH IS nothing like your old.... your human ego can't comprehend. It's not just an etheric realm or one expansion of consciousness ... it's a whole EXPERIENCE through FULL EXPANSION... and it's also where your Soul Lives...... IN-SERVICE AS PURE LOVE to THE EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY into a much Higher Consciousness ONE.
This LOVE will be activated in various ways.... through beauty, presence, Divine Essence... through re-CONNECTING from DEEP INSIDE and never separating off ever again. There are INFINITE WAYS to activate. Yours is to utilize every one of them.... ♦
This LOVE is YOU... which means that in order to BE YOU, you MUST BE PURE LOVE.... in every MOMENT, in EVERY EXCHANGE... yet "learning" HOW TO LIVE AS PURITY... is the process of Awakening on a SOUL Level and your every moment, every choice/decision, every thought, every ACT will SHOW YOU.... how much you are able to actually EXIST AS YOUR OWN PURE DIVINE SOUL here.
This LOVE holds no lack, no compromise, no distrACTions, no discord... it is not TAINTED by anything "human ego". THIS LOVE is your ONLY WAY.... the ONLY WAY that you KNOW... yet to RETURN TO THIS PURITY, you will go through/experience/feel/be faced with everything "not this", which is a part of your own TRANSITION from your own Old Earth Realities/Existence... OVER to your NEW EARTH REALities/Existence here. Your entire body must clear all programming, as well as your entire reality be re-aligned continually here.
This LOVE is the FOUNDATION for all of your NEW EARTH REALITIES... where you are creating, forming, shaping and building all anew. This PURE LOVE is HOW you LIVE NEW EARTH, A VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE that RETURNS vibrational matches to what you hold/transmit/LIVE.... YOUR NEW EARTH EXISTENCE is your HEAVEN ON EARTH, which is "found" as you transverse the DEPTHS of your own BEing and you bring THIS PURE LOVE FORTH and you SHARE IT .... in every way... to AFFECT/TOUCH ALL AS PURE LOVE here.....
NEW EARTH is YOUR HEAVEN... where your SOUL Lives in your Body fully... treating all with immense kindness, compassion and deep sacred RESPECT, where YOU HAVE REMEMBERED FULLY why you are here and HOW TO LIVE AS HEAVENLY LIGHT BEINGS.... in your own physical reality here. YOUR LIGHT PRECEDES YOU.... opening portals, lighting passageways/your path.... YOUR LIGHT TOUCHES ALL by transmitting PURE LOVE.... you need not speak or "do" anything... that's a bonus gift. Your kindness emanates from within you. Others FEEL this, whether they understand it or not (as humans mis-perceive pure actions and try to "grab ahold", because they want this too, as it's also the LIGHT OF THEIR OWN SOUL.... as you awaken this aspect within them, when you LIVE AS PURITY .... they FEEL YOU... you need not touch... as that is "human too". Many won't "understand" this "way", as it "pushes their own stuff up"... yet this is a part of the process, where everything NOT PURE/LOVE becomes visible/felt, so each can "see it" and RESOLVE THIS THROUGH FULL CONSCIOUSNESS their own self. It's a part of RETURNING to FULL Consciousness here.....
HEAVEN ON EARTH is the physical "playground", the blissful, kind, magical, peaceful, loving and completely JOY-filled abundant REALity that you/we all LIVE AS OUR WHOLE EXPERIENCE here, when/as we ALL LIVE FROM THIS PLACE/THIS SPACE inside of us and NEW EARTH IS OUR ONLY REALITY we will allow... WE HOLD THE REALITY IN PLACE... it's OURS... so when anything "not in HARMONY" with this "appears", we see it, understand it and we can CHOOSE HOW TO DEAL, as is most appropriate, on a Quantum/Energetic Level.... which is an "equation" of many variables/quotients that are "computed" by all that is PRESENT... as REALities have CONSTRUCTS and these constructs/matrixes are visible....
NEW EARTH REALITIES are very different than OLD Earth's were. The foundation is built on PURITY, so realities don't "collapse" like human ones do. OLD EARTH REALities are collapsed by US, as we can see the constructs and collapse the whole thing if it's not aligned with PURITY ITSELF. REALities breathe, move and dance and come together in FULL UNION here. They "take form" based upon the vibrations, energy and LIVING CONSCIOUS DNA present.... through deep sacred connectedness, where all is ONE, working in UNISON.... all in DIVINE FLOW..... materializing into form as each accomplishes/holds the NEW IN PLACE long enough for the physical to appear/arrive as a vibrational MATCH....
THIS PURE LOVE is the cleanest, finest, most in-tune harmonics that can be TRANSMITTED OUT.... across all dimensions and space-time... as it does not hold the "confusing signals" (discord) of the human ego, therefore dissonance is not being transmitted out (on a cellular/molecular/body template level), when one's LIGHTBODY (SOULBODY) IS THE BODY PRESENT and in charge/command. As each BECOMES their LIGHTBODY fully, the human ego programs become visible for resolving/dissolving easily, because this unconscious programming "has no place or hold" anymore, as it REPRESENTS Old Earth, which is not where our Soul's live....
THIS PURE LOVE is what all human aspects "seek", yet do not fully understand. This RE-CONNECTED STATE is "foreign" at first, challenging everything the human aspect once "thought" it "knew" (and believed).... this LINEARITY is separation and it IS WHAT KEEPS EACH from LIVING their own HEAVEN FULLY HERE.....
NEW EARTH IS A QUANTUM EXISTENCE.... nothing like the old realities of "before". All new "rules" replace the old... which are Universal & Cosmic and Quantum.... (Light Codes), where PHOTONIC ACTIVITY over-writes all that was linear before.....
NEW EARTH first appears through expansion processes that AWAKEN each's AWARENESS, then beginning a massive PASSAGEWAY of each restructuring and re-aligning their own reality on a SOUL LEVEL.... every aspect, every relationship, every ACT, every exchange....
NEW EARTH becomes visible as each's HEART OPENS FULLY, then activating each's HIGHER HEART to open fully and come online too. PURE BEAUTY, PURE DIVINITY, PURE BLISS and MAGIC... these ARE just a FEW OF NEW EARTH ENERGIES.... bringing forth from within each PURE GRATITUDE, PURE APPRECIATION, PURE KINDNESS, PURE RECIPROCATION..... where your LightBody DNA activates an immense (and continually accelerating) physical (body/reality) density clearing process that occurs over much linear time (as long as separation is held within)....
NEW EARTH REALities are RECIPROCATIVE.... it's where all SHARE THE ABUNDANCE that they are/have/hold.... NEW EARTH IS SHARING, supporting and LIVING AS YOUR HIGHEST ASPECTS AND VERSIONS --- ALL OF THE TIME and never going to sleep/unconscious (closing your heart/mind) anymore....
NEW EARTH is where you are FREE INSIDE.... completely and in every way. You don't go small anymore and play in the "less game" of the ego.... as you've REMEMBERED FULLY, because your heart is WIDE OPEN and you are ONE with all as PURE LOVE AGAIN.... and YOU LIVE IT by touching the lives of all others... to SHOW THEM WHAT PURE LOVE IS ... so that THEY CAN REMEMBER too.... and awaken THROUGH LOVE, instead of the "old ways" of suffering, struggling, harsh, rough, resistance.... unless this is the path they choose to open their hearts fully here. Many of us chose that path, because we didn't understand.... now things are very different.
Struggling and suffering are the ego's journey, which is how the separation programming is dissolved/breaks.... and only a "necessity" when PURE LOVE IS NOT THE CHOSEN PATH by each.
NEW EARTH is not just words spoken, it's a whole new way of LIVING AND EXISTING, where each say "NO" to the old and no longer accept unconsciousness (disconnected "no love/respect" state) as REALity anymore.... UNCONSCIOUSNESS (lacking Purity Love) is the OPPOSITE of what REALity is..... yet EACH MUST LOCATE where this is INSIDE and bring it forth, as NEW EARTH IS BORN/BIRTHED and grown/matures from deep within...........
NEW EARTH IS INNOCENCE returned, it's the OPPOSITE of Unconsciousness, so in order to RETURN to full Consciousness, all of those protection mechanisms, survival modes/techniques and dis-beliefs "have to go". NEW EARTH becomes VISIBLE as each's HEART IS FULLY OPEN and the beauty, magnificence, magic and PURE JOY is FELT and EXPERIENCED with the whole body/being........ where SIMPLICITY is chosen over "complicated", where ease is chosen over struggle, where Unity is chosen over separation/duality...........
NEW EARTH is where each truly CARE, FROM THE PUREST PLACE INSIDE.... about each other, about your self, your LightBody, our beLOVED Gaia and all ..... where YOUR LOVE PRE-VEILS ... (yes I spelled it that way on purpose).
NEW EARTH YOU BRING FORTH, YOU LIVE IT... YOU ARE NEW EARTH, which connects you up to the Grids and Networking Systems already online here. YOU BECOME A PART OF SOMETHING MUCH BIGGER, where your presence and contributions are not only important, they are necessary for your own "admittance" here. You leave all judgment behind, you stop criticizing and playing in the unconscious games.... YOU CHOOSE NEW EARTH as YOUR ONLY REALITY.... too. ♥
NEW EARTH COMES FORTH AS IT BECOMES YOUR PRIORITY.... until then you will see all of this as an inconvenience and resist everything you most desire (on a Soul Level) here.
NEW Earth has INFINITE multiple versions running, so you get to CHOOSE what most is aligned and LIVE THAT... the foundation is what matters, not the place or things. How you ACT (behave), how you treat each other, how you show up/come through, how you HONOR your own HIGHEST SOUL AGREEMENTS this is what MATTERS and affects that which each perceive as REALity here.
THE ENERGY YOU HOLD, THE PURITY THAT YOU ARE... this dictates your NEW EARTH REALITIES here.... your own EXPERIENCES.... and determine "old earth" or "new".
VERSIONS OF REALITIES are relative to the versions and aspects THAT YOU ARE...... WHEN YOU LIVE YOUR FULLEST AS YOUR HIGHEST VERSIONS, your physical reality aligns to this..... BECAUSE you are treating all as LOVE, you are caring, you are kind, you are supporting, uplifting, inspiring, sharing, you are supporting (yet not enabling that's the opposite and we don't do that here). You are CREATING from your own PURITY.... you breathe LOVE into everything that you are, do, share... send out into the "world" to assist others... and you "work" on multi-dimensional levels, as a Quantum Light BEing here....
YOU UNDERSTAND THE PHYSICAL REALITY is a vibrational response to you..... you have REVERSED ALL and aligned your entire reality THROUGH PURITY.... you will accept nothing less in your own reality..... because you don't have to anymore.... when you are the fully conscious ONE.
Consciousness is Pure, it's LOVE, it's not what "human's" think.... It's the SOURCE of ALL, it's you as PURE SOURCE LIGHT living in a physical LIGHTbody, where your DNA/cells/molecules/atoms are constantly re-writing, re-coding and busy..... your whole body is LIGHT.... literally, Quantum Cells that are always charging, transmitting, communicating and reconfiguring what all perceive as "reality" here...............
NEW EARTH IS nothing like your old.... your human ego can't comprehend. It's not just an etheric realm or one expansion of consciousness ... it's a whole EXPERIENCE through FULL EXPANSION... and it's also where your Soul Lives...... IN-SERVICE AS PURE LOVE to THE EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY into a much Higher Consciousness ONE.

Earth is where you fulfill ALL OF YOUR ROLES, PURPOSES, MISSIONS....
through PURITY and zero lack, zero separation, zero ego programming....
it's where you EXIST BEYOND the old MATRIX PROGRAM.... and are an
Here you do not "hide" who you are... you SHINE SHINE SHINE BRIGHT and you radiate, beam and blast all as LIGHT..... you AFFECT all... YOUR LIGHT DICTATES... there is no "dark" or any ego games anymore... that was an old matrix program that all must "outgrow" and transcend from deep within too..... BY CHOOSING to bring their own LIGHT FROM INSIDE AND BE IT WITH EVERY BREATH too................
So open open open up fully to "vibrate" back, to "tune" all yourself and bring your own NEW EARTH REALITIES forth FROM DEEP WITHIN YOU TOO... as it's the ONLY WAY you can. ♥
Let the tears of RE-CONNECTION & REMEMBERING FLOW out.... FEEL what you forgot ... in order to LIVE YOUR NEW EARTH REALITIES FULLY here. ♥
I love you.... from the depths of the CORE OF MY WHOLE BEING.... and am excited for all you shall be/do/contribute to UNITING all AS PURE LOVE here too! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Photonic DNA Harmonics ♫ NEW EARTH is aligned through this