maandag 19 december 2022

Gigantic shifts are happening for those ready to ditch their story ~ Ammā Grace

Gigantic shifts are happening for those ready to ditch their story. Now is an opportunity to rid yourself of your story once and for all, and to completely leave the matrix. Some of the pioneers have already done so including myself. I have been vibrating and acting from my heart for such a long time now and have been blessed by merging deeper and deeper into the omnipresence of love.

This eclipse gateway have been a massive rite of passage leading us into the 21-12-2022 ascension gateway. This weekend I felt a radical shift and quantum leap... I no longer experience and connect with source from my heart (which was still separating self from god... now I have totally merged with source aka I witness the external as a direct reflection of consciousness, reflecting itself back to itself. It is one and the same. A deep rooted sense of BEING-NESS encompassing every cell and every atom and the space in between. It cannot be any different.

It is one thing to see this as a mind concept and another to embody this truth. There is a profound peace and acceptance in this experiencing of consciousness, that prevents one from attaching oneself to certain outcomes or people, that simply allows things to BE. It is FREEDOM to simply BE. (And let others BE). It is arriving into BEING. To BE THERE you must allow others to BE. (And if you are not you are immediately shown. There is an instant reflection back from consciousness ongoing. No where to hide or play games.

Because in the omnipresence of god consciousness observing, there is no need to alter or change the course of events, because there is a deep faith interwoven in the knowing, it is as it is. From this space you need not interrupt or interFEAR with life or with other´s "business". You do not need to alter anything but simply BE love. Love will naturelly cater for all. Love will naturelly bring everything into balance, love will naturelly expand and evolve into the boundless playground of infinite potential creating whatever you hold as your highest intent as a soul to be fulfilled.

The omnipresence of god is pure intellegence and as said fully conscious of all possible outcomes and what serves your highest good and will always pull you in that direction.

But if you pull against because you want to be in controle, because you think you know better, because you figured things out from endless mind concepts and teachings, you stand yourself in the way. You need to become empty. If you are filled to the brim with consumed mind concepts, beliefs and programs you will be consumed by them. If you try to enslave love, you become the enslaved. If you act out of fear, fear will consume you and attract just that.

However if you commit yourself to become empty, you can bypass ego´s obsession to be in controle. If you are empty there is nothing in you that aims to be attached. If there is no preconceived idea of how things ought to be, things can turn out the way they are supposed to be without you having to move a finger. Scary well yes to give up controle and simply trust, forces you out of your safety zone into the unknown.

But that is where the magic happens. It is a playground of innoncence and spontaneity where all is born out of the present moment magic. No thought involved, no evaluation, no censorhip or interfearance. Life is allowed to live thru you without you stopping the flow of love, that always seeks to expand and grow...a fullfilment of your souls highest aspiration to expand and blend into one with the omnipresence of love, to blossom and bloom into the ecstatic joy of being.

A playful dance of orgasmic surrender into ONE. When we do stop all the resistance, we return to this ecsatic state of orgasmic being, which is the ongoing expansion of consciousness, where there is no resistance and no restrictions. This is the very nature of creation as well as your naturel state of being, because in truth you are nothing but consciousness (currently) in a human body.

Life is an ongoing opportunity to allow, surrender and saying yes to life. If you find yourself in situations where you need to say no no no ongoing, you should reconsider your current environment, whether it be job, family, partner, location. Unplug from what you think you ought to do and with whom you ought to be. Become empty. Allow life to align you with what serves you by being present without reservation observing how things realign and is brought into divine order, when you simply surrender. The forces in you that might want you to interfear, do not feed them, do not give them any energy and they will not get a hold on you and controle your thinking and actions.

By acknowledging the perfection of and divine intellegence of the YOUniverse you devote yourself to live in harmony and alignment with the flow of life and grants life to find the best outcome for your soul fulfillment. And when you have truly understood that soul is just a spark, a stardust of the omnipresence of god, it becomes obsolete to be attached to anything as you experience your "self" as everything, you ARE everything. The point is to simply remain an observer and be in the neutrality, because god omnipresence is neither pro nor contro. All is as it is.

And the divine intellegence is always evolving towards more love... love is intellegence itself and seeks to multiply and expand into more love exponentially. There is no beginning and no end to this dance of love, as it is the naturel law of consciousness to keep evolving and expanding itself IN FOREVER SURRENDER. Let yourself fall into and drown in the orgasmic ocean of universal love god omnipresence. You have the choice... the force in you that keeps you from doing it, is your own creation.

Accept it and erase it. The power of god in you that created it, can also erase it. As co-creators as ONE with creator we need to live in complete responsability. Means responding to our ability to choose love on and on and on over fear and what separates us from source, which is our very origin. No more, no less. The rest is simply STORY. Ready to ditch your story and step into freedom. Get in touch, send me a pm. Still christmas discount on sessions. I only got a few slots before the new year.

Ammā Grace