zaterdag 31 december 2022

Energy Update ~ Grace Solaris

Beloved sisters and brothers deepest gratitude for standing tall and making a difference in this dying world of enslavement and human exploitation. No matter how things look right now... have faith, stay strong in your light, embrace your godgiven right as god
co-creators and miracle makers of the new earth.

You make a difference do not doubt this a single moment.
If we all step into divine authority 2023 will be the year of the great liberation. It will take all our effort and commitment, but the victory is at hand. Do not be disencouraged by the external chaos, but stand tall as pillars of light, as the great light houses that you are.

2023 will be the year where all will come into the light, the deceit, the lies and all the smokes and mirrors will dissolve in the dew of the cosmic plasma waves of illumination, that can no longer be held back.... with all the chemtrails and mind controle attempts, god has the last saying and god has said enough is enough.

In the increased incoming waves of illumination being released from the great central sun and the diamond of the 22 galaxies of illumination, all lies will crumble, the weapons will eventually melt in the hands of those serving the e-vil as divine will is being implemented. It starts with each one of us.
You are magnificent beings of light able to create miracles, wonders and boundless abundance. Scarcity is an invention. Divine abundance is infinite and available to each living child of god upon this earth.
Do not subcumb to fear even in the midst of the turmoil on the world stage. Game´s over. Give up the battle and the victimhood mindset of duality US VERSUS THEM division mind controle program.
The moment you rise yourself in frequency and return to your naturel godgiven magnificence, you will start to feel elevated and "above" any external noise. Be diligent in what you ingest mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, as it will determine your reality.
We are here to terminate and end the Kali Yuga era karmic circle of suffering and reinstore Eden. This is the time.
Wishing you all a 2023 filled with miracle, wonders, boundless joy and abundance on all levels of being and most of all flawless health. Highest discernment and focus is required in these last hours of this dying age of spiritual decline. Now is the time to go centerstage, now is the time to step into service, no more dimming your light, no more obedience, but standing tall as the intouchable flames of the mighty One, that in truth you are. Time to unfurl your wings of freedom. Your time is Now.
This is what will separate the wheat from the chaff, this is what defines a true messiah. Acknowledging the power of god within and acting in accordance with divine will. Exercising divine authority is a constant surrendering to act upon god´s will, sometimes though it may require action and sometimes it may require inaction. By being completely attuned and aligned in your heart with god, you will feel what is required of you in any given moment in the knowing you are all you need to be to fulfill that task, it is living in divine faith and honoring the inner knowing of god´s victory and justice fulfilled.
For those ready you shall be rewarded with unconditional love, joy, abundance and peace and yes this path is yet one of challenges, big or small, whatever it takes of you to fulfill your role as a divine instrument of god. I am most joyful and happy to share the upcoming new years transmission Garment of the Christ Divine Authority, which is supported by a guided meditation and light transmission. The meditation will be released on the day of the activation. The event is scheduled for January the 8th as many will be travelling or indulged in the new year celebrations around the world.
It is a clarion call to step into divine service in 2023 to call an end to the enslavement of humanity once and for all.
Sign up here if you are ready to heed the calling:
In devoted service
Ammā Grace
“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”
― Guillaume Apollinaire