woensdag 28 december 2022

What is Ascension? It is simply Reunification while in physicality ~ Nicky Hamid

What is Ascension? It is simply Reunification while in physicality.

Why do I say this?
We are moving back through open doors, portals from whence we come. We are journeying, or rather, expanding back to who we are, to the ONE, to our multidimensional Oneness. And it is Reunification both in the sense of realizing all that we ARE , dropping all remnants of separation, and taking back unto ourselves the complete and utter knowing of our UNITY with All That Is.

Precious Soul you ARE slipping into the ‘perfect garment’ for 3D (your body) and you are integrating (melding together as One) through consciously bringing in of the Light of Creation that you Are and allowing the releasing of all that has weighed you down in your forgetting.

For the Law of One is the Law of Love. And as you Love everything you ARE you experience that your lovingness CONNECTS you, reunites you in the Knowing your Soul Being and the ONENESS with everything in creation.

You cannot help but love your own Humanity unconditionally. It is simply part and parcel of Knowing your own Lovingness.

All fear, doubt, distrust of anything in the All That Is, fades into nothingness, as you discover the Love that you ARE. It connects you and makes it all Lovable in its Essence, by its Beingness within you and of you.

And so ascension is simple a step in your journey Home to Remembering YOU and YOU as LIGHT BEINGNESS.

And so it follows so obviously that Loving YOU brings all humanity together, for you begin to know fully your UNITY with each and every one of your HUman family.

So it is that as ‘separated human’ WE are returning to know and share our uniqueness as One in the Human Consciousness. And the two becomes the ONEness in the Knowing of it and thus the Wholely trinity in the flow and Beingness of the Great Plan of Creation.
And WE will do this by Love, with Love, through Love.

You want to ascend? Then sweet Brothers and Sisters, Love every bit of Being YOU, what you have been, and what you ARE.

I So Love You.

PS And whatever I have said is NOT IT for it is so much More.