woensdag 21 december 2022

Energy Ascension Update ~ David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy Ascension Update: Solstice Blessings / we are ascending / final struggles / weight gain- loss and more crazy ascension flu symptoms / Twin Flames doing the best they can and re-uniting / my personal experiences.
Dear friends, love, light and soul family,
We are going trough the final stages of our ascension process and the intense energies we are receiving are clearing us out deep from within. Our future is looking brightly.
We all know the ascension path is not easy as we are ascending taking our physical 3D bodies with us to the 5D plane meaning transcending all dense energies, old beliefs, negative thought patterns that hold us back, stuck or keep us in a loop of same old life. Very intense and emotional to deal with.

The solstice energies and a personal situation triggered and pushed me into another dark night of the soul last night and ending any remaining subconscious mind programming and fears. Never fun to go trough alone so felt the need to share some things with you.
Mentally for all awakened adults it has been not easy to let go of the false 3d mind programs and to learn to get back into the heart, to trust heart guidance and love again just like when we were kids.
The experiences and workload vary per person depending on how much healing we have done on ourselves. I know many are still struggling as am I. Many of us, especially empaths and Twin Flames are transmuting these dense old energies not only for themselves but also for the collective and they deserve more credit.
Weight gain and loss (crazy ascension symptoms).
For example my body gained much more weight this year to be able to hold the light codes and deal with all stress and challenges on my path. Going up and down the last 5 months 12 kilo (24 pounds) and this weekend 5 kilo (10 pounds) more however lost 4 kilo (8 pounds) last night, so crazy.
Partly protection as the body does not understand what is going on and tries to protect itself. I was starting to look like Buddha more and more LOL
. I know it is all just fine and I will be back to normal body weight soon but felt like sharing as we should not need to feel ashamed for things happening like this, it is part of the ascension process.
The Twin Flames are doing an amazing job even if they do not know they do this work. Trying to understand their intense connection with their divine counterpart has not been easy either.
A twin flame awakened by their counterpart will trigger both their path of deep inner healing work guiding them back to self love, higher divine unity love and better connection with their divine counterpart. This also supports the collective coming back to divine unity love, this is part of the Twin Flame divine mission.
The runner / chaser games are ending, Twin Flames still apart are made ready to be re-united (for those already together the connection will be even stronger). For me to find my Twin Flame one year ago exactly has been a very challenging rollercoaster, for the both of us, and I do believe and hope we can be together soon.
For me personally the awakened journey has been long and very challenging since I awakened very early about 27 years ago, this due to a 3rd bad car accident leaving me with whiplash and back problems. It took me a long time to heal and overcome and I did. It was the start of an amazing spiritual journey and discovery of real truth about our fake world.
For many years I was alone in my awakening process not finding many people to connect with however since 2012 and coming of the internet many people have awakened and found out the truth not being so crazy in their beliefs at all.
Though it has been even more challenging for me and many others as ascension was delayed in 2012 due to little lightworkers and starseeds awake before. It allowed me and others to help awaken others even more so wecan all ascend.
The time is now, 10 years later.
The awakening / ascension path gives no room for false light and we had to face our own inner dark shadows to heal. We all had to overcome many, often dark life challenging situations. I believe for a fact most of us had multiple lives in this life alone. It sure feels like this. Some like me even ascended and descended before all for our divine mission.
We are doing an amazing job, we have become stronger in our sovereign divine power and balanced our divine masculine and feminine unity love getting rid of all that no longer serves us.
We are almost done and this solstice is the turning point.
Expect magic on your path, let's hold hands together for major quantum jumps on the new timeline living in higher dimensional unity love where everything will be so much better.
The universe is bringing us balance and freedom.
It is my deepest wish all our dreams come true now, we are doing this together.
This Christmas 2022 has to be spectaculair
With deep respect and honor to all who have done so much in this life and previous ones to serve the divine and bring heaven to earth.
With love
David Alexander Lightfoot