donderdag 15 december 2022

World Peace: How can it be Attained? ~ Nicky Hamid

World Peace: How can it be Attained?

As long as I am striving to be someone and get somewhere how could I ever know it.
Peace is a state of my Being and it is nothing about attaining anything.
You are just perfect Being you, as you are, and You as you are, making your way back totally Compassionate to everything about You.

And so how could World Peace be without me keeping my own Peace now. Peace is in the Present and the very nature of Presence, my Presence.
And if you reach for me, touch me, and stand with me you will know it, you will feel it as I will feel it Being with you.

It just IS and cannot be contained or attained. It is Present whether felt or not. It is Presence as the very ground of your Being.

We are and have been totally addicted to drama, to “happenings”, and forever seeking stimulation and distraction from the breadth of who we think we are.
How difficult it is for us to sit wide awake, and fully Present, and be totally at Home with doing nothing? A wonderful “practice” in fact.

Or being in the Presence of others with nothing to say or to be, but there present and content.
Be Still and Know that You are forever immersed God Presence.
World Peace is quite possible and in fact inevitable.
Why? Because
You say so through who You are.

I So Love You

And in my tears of Love for You. As I sit here knowing the pain/sadness of countless sweet Souls of my Human Family ………..I call to you.
Enough is enough sweet Friends.
Come to rest with the battle between your brain and your Heart.
Just Love the Precious Soul that you ARE............ PLEASE.