zaterdag 17 december 2022

Energy Update ~ Jennifer Hoffman

How is everyone doing today? The M-class solar flares continue today, we have had 20 or more. That's a contributing factor to your anxiety, pain, and other some of the other symptoms we get when the energy moves like this.

I am in a lot of physical pain when we have big solar flares, this explains why I have been in much worse pain the past 2 days. I feel better today.

We're approaching the December Solstice but there is a bigger, more impactful energy cycle happening and that is Jupiter at the final degree of Pisces until December 20. I have written about this aspect quite a lot in the past few months because it is significant with Neptune also in Pisces.

The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces happens every 151 years and it always initiates a spiritual evolution, a growth in spiritual awareness and a shift in the spiritual consciousness around the world. We are in that period now and it ends in a few days but the energy continues. We do not return to a non-aware status once we step onto the 4D bridge. That is a 'point of no return'.
The Jupiter cycle is 12 years, so we have to go back to 2010 and see what played out then. There was a massive awakening then too but it was not at the 5D vibration that we are today.
Ascension 2.0 started in January 2022 and in December 2022 Jupiter helps us to move into another level of this ascension path.
Pay attention to what happens in your life between now and December 20, lots of doors closing while new portals open.

Shine on and go with the brightest glow.