Please just take what resonates, and discard the rest…
There will be an emission from the Sun (see drawing below).
The first ENERGY EMISSION will be a full circular emission of ENERGY given OUTWARDS by the Sun, of ITSELF, in all directions cast, in circular design.
The second ENERGY EMISSION will be a ‘wide’ shaft (or beam) of energy directed to Mother Earth. In the way it was shown, the ‘WIDENESS’ of the Energy Shaft/Beam, depicts (as animated analogy) the ACTUAL STRENGTH of the Energy Emission. So not to focus on the physical size or shape, as it’s the actual STRENGTH of the Shaft/Beam I was being shown, that counts. This beam/shaft is of VERY PALE GOLDEN light emission from the Sun.
Immediately PRIOR to the visual I received, the following DATA was given by my morning’s “WAKE-UP” tune. Yet at the time I only knew the main one word of the song: “HALLELUJAH”. For those that don’t know I wake up singing every day for years now, and there’s always data in the song for either my own path or the collective timeline. I share when it’s a Collective Data, which this IS. The data is:
“And it goes like this.
The 4th, The 5th.
The Minor Fall.
The Major Lift”
Based on the TWO types of data received one immediately after the other, one audible, one visual, I am aware, we will receive an INCOMING ENERGY TYPE, that will affect a type of SHIFT, a ‘Minor Fall’ followed by a LIFT from 4th to 5th Dimensional OCTAVES. Whether this happens to every being, I don’t know. Date wise, I also don’t know. We will see… I only know that whatever I receive always happens, sometimes within 20 hours of receiving, or weeks, or 3 years. Etc. Where some data I have received also hasn’t happened yet, but will, when the ALIGNED COLLECTIVE TIMELINE presents. The Grand Plan is all so perfectly designed for us ALL. The beauty of God’s design and creation of this holographic ‘game’ blows my mind continuously in it’s shear BEAUTY of ALL OUR becoming.
Is what I was shown on 24 June 2022 the ‘Event Wave’? I don’t think so. But I honestly don’t know. I keep open mind always…But:
Based on vibrations, and patterns, and strength of all incoming energies so far, I know the ENERGIES STILL need to become EVEN STRONGER before an Event Wave. Our bodies are constantly adjusting to the increasing higher frequencies, and need to, to be able to withstand such an Event Wave ENERGY FREQUENCY and it’s STRENGTH. We aren’t there YET but it’s been increasing year on year, month by month, and DAY by DAY in recent months, since 2015 (when I first felt incoming energies and vibrational patterns). As many of you are aware, I will be shown physically with physical eyes, prior to ‘Event Wave’ emissions, the PALE GREEN HUE that WILL appear following a sequence of ray colours of gaseous looking emissions. And when I see the sequence, the gaseous coagulation of colours, followed by the Pale Green hue, it’s THEN I will know and share that it’s on its way. The PALE GREEN RAY is the SIGN. Please don’t send me any pics of photographed Pale Green hues around the Sun. I know we are already seeing Pale Green Ray. I connect to the Sun in increasing ENERGETIC ways now, where there’s a two way energetic and visual communication and response system in place that’s now occurring.
So just passing on as I receive. Please just discard if it doesn’t resonate for you. I do wonder why I’m getting this data right NOW though?
…All that matters is your individualised and unique journey back to your Self.
That is what matters: your own clues, puzzle pieces, signs, gifts, that guide YOU and allow YOU to embody more and more of you, via YOUR own OPEN HEART.

With Love
Amanda Lorence
25 June 2022
PS: dependent on each one’s frequency, we either shall just WITNESS, AS THE OBSERVOR the ‘MINOR FALL’ around us or in others, or, we will have the experience of it, be in it…It just depends on each one’s frequency as everyone is uniquely at different frequencies