woensdag 29 juni 2022

Energy Update ~ Christie Lavers

I want to share this as the call to do so has been very strong. It was not easy to articulate, but I hope this resonates for some and helps people to navigate the energies unfolding in our world. Much love
Our external world is made up of multiple frequency layers. They essentially fit together seamlessly to create a cohesive picture of reality, but each one holds its own truths based on frequency expression.
At the denser, mental focused frequency levels we see horrific events and agendas unfolding. Things that can make us angry and feel threatened on a deep level. When we tune into this pervasive frequency it can easy to perceive humans as victims of evil forces. The more we look, the more blatant, more sophisticated, and sick these forces appear.

Emersed in this energy, the only thing that seems to make sense is to somehow stand in opposition. Because very few of us have much influence on a global scale, we resort to sharing beliefs on various social media platforms and (this is key)-- often it is feelings of fear, outrage and an underlying sense of powerlessness that drives these reactions. Sadly, these actions while they may appear righteous, actually, because of the frequency of the underlying drivers, only add to intensify division.
However, when we move up into the higher, heart focused frequencies we see that separation is an illusion. From this vantage point we are a collective of incredibly powerful beings who created the matrix and all the evil it contains as a means for our united consciousness to know itself better and ultimately to deepen into love. From this perspective we understand the truth of as within so without, external reality mirrors internal reality, and so understand the true power we wield. When we see corruption, or attempts to coerce and control that trigger us in the outside world, instead of pouring energy into it, we focus within and bravely face and work to heal our own internal corruption, or whichever shadow frequency we have resisted. We neutralise the polarity within so that if we are meant to respond we can do so from a space of love.
We are after all fractals of the whole, meaning we contain the full spectrum of human expression. But most of us are not comfortable containing the horrible parts. For example, we may see cruelty and our reaction is…’that is not me’. And so that part of us is denied, repressed, rejected… externalised. This rejected energy becomes available to be harvested by forces who aren’t afraid to use it.
As we grow up spiritually, we eventually need to accept the entirety of who we are, and take responsibility for even the most sinister of human drives. However, this obviously does not mean that we express these energies, rather like sacred frequency holders we act responsibly and do our part to ensure these energies are not abused. As more of us re-claim and re-integrate our dis-owned inner dark energy, the less abandoned darkness is available to be negatively expressed in the external world. This is how we change our reality...it is literally an inside job.
Where attention goes, energy flows. This is also an important key to understanding the dynamics of these frequency layers. Our attention strengthens the frequency it is focused on. This is the trap of the lower frequencies. The negative forces do not care if we are compliant or raging against them. By design these wicked forces actively desire and encourage people to fight their dark dominion because it empowers the frequency layer where they hold their power.
The wounded dark matrix forces yearn for division, and manipulate and push agendas that create separation. They actively taunt the good in people….’Look what we are doing… this should make you very angry’. They also feed the channels of dissent, providing information designed to fuel division. So, they use our good hearts against us…luring us in time after time to ensure we keep pouring our fear and frustration into the frequency layer where they hold power.
From this perspective the situation is truly infuriating and the only conceivable action that makes sense is to stand up and fight the power and spread the world, which of course is exactly what they want as it provides the low frequency fuel they need.
But ultimately, we need to remember they are us… in truth they are challenging us to remember the parts of us we have tried for so long to deny within. Behind the convincing masks, the ‘bad guys’ are our brothers and sisters who volunteered to play the difficult roles, and so compassion and forgiveness for the even the darkest players becomes possible.
The key to navigating these layers in knowing what is driving us within. When we see corruption, or anything that triggers us in the outside world, instead of jumping into reaction, pouring out energy into the world from a place of fear or outrage, we focus within and bravely face and work to heal our own internal corruption, or whichever shadow frequency we have resisted. As we heal the polarities within, we stop needing to react to the outside world, and expand our capacity to respond to our world and each other from higher expressions... like love, compassion and playfulness.
Every individual who works to heal within, to cultivate love, and then to hold space for others to heal, has an incredible impact on the collective. Every healed heart shines out in the collective acting like a beacon, assisting more and more of us to find our way