Energy - Ascension /update: rebalance in the new - Divine Decree / Prayer To stay in the 5th Dimension.
We are all feeling freedom for our new divine life enfolding more letting go of the last dense energies of our old lives behind in our ascension process.
We are still rebalancing all, including the divine and feminine within us. removing any left brain clutter, blocks and dark interference.
At this moment many have already ascended and are now point zero building the new in the 5th Dimension. Some do not even know they are there yet but feel different like something has been lifted and need to awaken more.
This Divine Decree / Prayer To stay in the 5th Dimension will help you with this and ground more into the new.
Dear Father / Mother creator, the Divine source of all, The Ascended Masters, the Angelic realm and my higher self.
Please help me to rise up and continue to break free from the 3D matrix of lower vibrational consciousness and energies, the old beliefs, vows, cords , hooks, attachments, abuse, blocks, suffering, control and manipulation in all forms forever.
I do not want to be connected to the old world and pulled down ever again.
I see the truth, learned and mastered my lessons, I now have ascended.
I am an awakened 5th Dimensional spiritual human being and choose not to be connected to the lower 3D world of illusion in anymore.
I prefer my new life living in higher vibration, in higher consciousness and Divine love. I surrender to the Divine will and connect with the Divine mind matrix only.
I ask for true love guidance and protection to stay clear and true to my path co-creating this new world.
I deserve to live a life of peace, support, unconditional love, joy, creativity, abundance, prosperity, health and happiness.
Please make this happen for me and for all who choose this path also.
Thank you, is done, it is done, it is done.
Heart and Light blessings 

David Alexander Lightfoot