woensdag 14 december 2022

We are being surrounded and held into the depth of our very soul, by the Divine Mother ~ Judith Kusel

We are being surrounded and held into the depth of our very soul, by the Divine Mother and the Feminine Ascended Masters now in unprecedented ways as our sacred heart opens more and more.

It is a beautiful opening of our higher heart, where the higher heart now merges with the throat, Alta Major, third eye chakras.

When Atlantis fell the mind was divorced from the heart, the higher chakras from the lower which caused immense pain and suffering, as we felt ourselves separated from the Divine within, and from self and others.

We created duality.

Now, as Divine Feminine has been fully anchored in again, balance is returning. We now at last, can feel Divine Love again, trust our intuitive knowing and as the Divine Masculine merges with the Divine Feminine, speak and live our truth.

When our lower body is transcended and becomes as one with the higher body, our soul love, light and power body, the full activation of the threefold flame within our heart center, balance, unity and harmony return.

The inpouring of Divine Love is profoundly healing. It is healing our deepest woundedness.
More than this, be open to simply receive this immense inpouring of love, as Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Hope with the White Flame of purity are intensely clearing or base, sacral and navel chakras, as the greatest woundedness lies here in our lower bodies.

Let all surface now, to be healed as the Divine Feminine with the lady masters and the Archangels and angels are pouring Divine Love into all our bodies and cells, our very breath.
We are being healed and brought into oneness and wholeness again.
Be open to receiving this immense gift of love.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Daniel B. Holeman