woensdag 14 december 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence


I shared below data in December 2020 when I was given awareness of it.

11 DAYS OF ESOTERIC GIFTS BETWEEN 12 December - 22 December
(this ocurrs every year in this period to make note of).

Each person, aware or unaware is presented with a GIFT on each of these days or nights. The gifts are not material. They are not to do with the PERSONALITY lifestyle. They seem subtle, yet are profound gifts. Seen, understood IN the PRESENT MOMENT to then be KNOWN for YOU. When we are in daily inner PRESENCE, the easier it is to notice and become aware of the gifts given. Everyone is gifted them, yet if in the MIND or Personality Mode, they can go unseen, not known, and so the gift is given, yet consciously missed, passes by, in unawareness…so remains unopened…

More clues within YOUR experience are GIVEN, seen, understood.
Previous pieces of YOUR puzzle, so far not fully understood, join together, to become understood.
‘More Aha’ moments or ‘Revelations’ of your embodiment journey.
Sleep time dreams increase, become more vivid, real. Direct data.
Daytime Synchronicities increase.
New data (esoteric knowledge) not known (re-membered) before, is given.
Energetic connectivity to Mother Earth can increase.
Connectivity to the ESSENCE of God can increase.

All that is needed for YOUR OWN precious gifts to become KNOWN to YOU, is to be PRESENT. So not submerged in the illusion (in the mind). A gift period every year to always remember, prior to the 22 December Portal.

Shared again as a reminder, with Love
14 December 2022
PS…no messages please until after 22/12 x