maandag 19 december 2022

This Solstice gateway is POWERFUL! ~ Natoya Hall

Divine Ones,
This Solstice gateway is POWERFUL!
This year we have been human pendulums going through extreme duality and polarity to see where we fit in the new consciousness of both. I feel like saying congrats because you survived the year of the Lovers and the master teacher of love, changes, harmony and adaptability. I observed the beautiful Spiritual Evolution of this year and those who were once asleep are now on their own spiritual quest to find out who they are within this big, beautiful Universe.

For others, you changed and applied everything you learned these past 12-13 years. Many have realized that this Ascension journey is not to go through healing "initiations" your whole life but to apply what you've gone through to your new reality; that's the point. Some of us, like myself, went within to embody these new Ancient Codes of Light and overstand our role here and what those next steps will look like.

There are a few things I've noticed this year:
Some of you will be shocked and think God has made a mistake with your Sacred work and decree. You are here for BIG and out worldy embodiment and you see this now. There's no more second-guessing and playing small. That shit was last season. If you are seeing it, "daydreaming" or feeling a PULL towards something, it was placed or better yet set by YOU and GOD for you to fulfill it. Next year is the Chariot Year AND a year excuses to not get it done.

Many of you are leaving an old life....find your tribe. There are many of us that have been through this initiation and we are mastering a new reality and dimension.
Lose your mind. You gotta tap out of an old Timeline to be born within a new one. You can't sit on the fence, you will drive yourself fucking nuts, I mean unless you like that kind of thrill *looks at you side-eyed*

The Energy medicine that The Divine Mother/Father God has blessed you with, you will have to take and EMBODY that medicine before you give it to the World. So many of you are MASTERING Multidimensional consciousness. For those new to this, it's not just a sexy word or love/light lingo it's some real shapeshift energy not meant for everyone. That's on Goddess.

Everything has gotten EXTREMELY performative. Many of us can see through this.
2023, we will be introduced to MANY Star Nations and Galaxies that have been and are new to working with Earth because we are ready for their frequency. Many are giving us what we need through the SUN and the WATAH. Much more on this soon.

Your frequency has changed and you are a MAGNET. Be careful what you draw to yourself
There's much more but I'll touch base soon! I am baby-stepping my way back to writing here again. I've missed you Star Family.
How has 2022 been for you?