maandag 26 december 2022

OF THE JOURNEY TO GOD REALisation: Amanda Lorence

Every journey is different…yet the Stages we go through to the realisation of the Divine God within us, and outside of us, are the same.
Some call IT God, some call it Source, YHWH, Yahweh, The Creator, The Absolute, Alah, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, Tianzhu, Kami, Elah, Ilah, The Great Spirit, Father, and so it goes on…a diversity of words throughout a world of Human Beings, based on culture, focus, influences, or leanings…Yet it is all the SAME ONE…that created everything and everyone. For in the beginning was the ‘word’…MEANING, IT’s vibration upon vibration, emitted out of ITSelf to experience ITSelf through its multiple mirrors of it’s creations. It’s vibration created multiple vibrations, then Light, of multiple frequencies. Within this one solid reality, and within ALL realities outside of the solid realm experience. God, exists as The Absolute…BEFORE IT created…before any of humanities linear languages, and before light language. IT is existing.
Everything is disguised as The One. Hidden until felt within, and seen without, in all things and all peoples here.
What we EMBODY, feeling the PRESENCE of, literally within us, is what I call God’s ESSENCE. Others throughout this world, can call this, Chi, Prana, Spirit, The Force, Vital Life Force, Etheric. Again, it does not matter what we each call it. God enjoys each expression. For it is the same ENERGY we embody. This ENERGY is beyond the Electromagnetic field or electric and magnetic vibrations and wavelengths, of solid reality. Yet we CAN FEEL IT within us as each embody higher frequencies. We embody ESSENCE, more and more, incrementally, until we are aware of it ALL the time. It becomes our PRIMARY experience, before the personality. Everyone in the world has experienced it at some point in their lives, but it is experienced BEFORE the THOUGHTS of the mind. Before the mind then chatters to itself. When we experience The Essence within and outside of us, in ALL things, it is a state of consciousness, BEING…so moments BEYOND the Human Mind. That then, the mind chats about it. When you see The Essence of God outside of you, you see that every single thing, and all elements (including earth, air, fire, water), every man made thing, every thing of Mother Earth, the skies above that contain the stars and planets, within a non-lite room absent of physical light, within the darkness of a night sky, when eyes are closed shut or open, and every human being you VIEW, is MADE of the SAME stuff…Essence (Prana, Chi, Life Force etc). It is then that you are KNOWING, that ALL IS ONE, all is made of God, seen via your living Consciousness state. The only reason it was hidden in plain sight, is due to human frequency…a State of Consciousness being experienced from.
Every culture, every religion, every upbringing, use different names and labels for The One Absolute that experiences everyone and everything. It is through embodiment we come together. And if names or labels trouble or trigger, to look with innocent fascination within, at why any word any one uses, troubles you…for when you find the cause within, it is seen as a belief system created within childhood. That can be let go of if one chooses to. There will come a time when everyone accepts the Other, their expression, their uniqueness, their choice of words. For they will see the Other, as Self. As God’s Essence. Where their being becomes the life lived WITH God. From within each. Shared out. Unique. Diverse. Where we create from the divine state of Consciousness ITSelf, unseparated, as realised within each Human Being.
There is no ‘one way’ to God Realisation. Some embody via an immense amount of time alone, some join ashrams, some have lived in a cave to embody, some do this with a family and busy life, some do this, this and this…there is no ‘one way’ fits all. There is YOUR WAY. Only YOUR way. Where others in sincerity will direct you to your own INWARD journey. Of your own intention. Of your own choice of how. Yet the seeker of God, dedicates time and energy to SEEKING the God within itself. The Seeker, finds God.
Is that the way…is always of LOVE. With and through the Heart of LOVE. And the BREATH, that marries the Heart. Heart and Breath combined ignite the ESSENCE of God within each, more and more. It becomes THE easier and THE NATURAL way to Live by and as. Until, everything you do, feel, think, say, experience…is God. Everywhere. And then, there is no escaping God as you live out your day. And as you rest your body in sleeping. The One, becomes EVERY PART of your existence. You will see God, as Essence… of every human being, even when they have not yet Self Realised it for themselves.
From this state you become…your COMPASSION becomes infinite, unending, all the time. A silent compassion as the witness. Beyond the vast degrees of compassion you previously felt on your journey. For you SEE, you as all others. You FEEL all others as a part of YOU. Yet no longer absorb others in your illusion for you ARE the OBSERVER now. For you see and feel, via CONSCIOUSNESS FIRST. Through God’s ‘eyes’ OF LOVE. Meaning God’s ability to see, be, exist, through your physical eyes, via, the activated and aliveness of the ESSENCE of GOD you have embodied.
With Love
Amanda Lorence
26 December 2022