donderdag 15 december 2022

Energy Update ~ Gaia

The M flares of the last 24 hours are a result of the light side having removed programs that uncreated the successes in timeline jumps.

This has been hard work at the front line. Battles 24/7 over the last days, day and night over the last weeks, a lot of physical pain, and attacks on all levels of life since years - for some.

Timeline jumps include reactions of the cosmic central sun being rippled out into solar flares of many suns including the sun in our galaxy.

Timeline jumps are the outcome of a lot of work of some of the ground forces…
Liberation of captured souls, removal of hadron colliders, of dark portals, of dumbs, of weapons, of devices, of patterns, of bases, of the big spiders and all other forms of the NAA beings, of masks, of venoms, of the rituals, of child and human trafficking, removal of dark astral pyramids, domes, black magic (partly thousands of years old and enforced through time travel, wormholes, Einstein Rosen bridges), ceilings, houses, palaces of the NAA correction of activities. And still an incorruptible and a ‚free’ incarnation of Gaia is needed to create these jumps for Gaia.

Some effects of the disclosure can be seen in Balenciaga, see how many brands, background people involved and how many companies will fall. Also the disclosed corruption in the EU Parlament is a good outcome. But most of the work and victories will only be seen later.

Incredible that so much battling and creation work of the light forces still could even have been uncreated by the manipulations of the negative alien agenda.

This leads to the next conclusion of the events of the last days:
There still is corruption on all levels…
While some incarnated parts of archangels and planets fight for the liberation of Gaia and humanity (and actually the whole infected cosmos from AI and
Archons/NAA) they are as well fighting for their survival and the survival of their families.
But these last ones standing are still being betrayed on all levels including their own families and often the friends of many years which leads to a even harder survival in complete isolation.

Some have been given all they have with all their energies and resources and others are approaching the whole setting for personal gain. New cage is very good in this game.
Some use the information of these battles they find in the Akashics (and most of the time can only access over stolen soulparts and keys) to get a good income commenting the war they aren’t personally too involved into, while the liberating warriors are too blackmailed and exhausted to, to write a book, to create a blog, a nice YouTube channel or a patreon page.

On top of the unfairness of this situation truth of the battles and corruption is either to secretive and to dangerous if NAA and/or AI know the actual situations or too disturbing as that anyone wants to read that.

This truth of this unbalanced situation needs to be faced as the corruption and bribery needs to be resolved.

As the press and media of the 3D literally just sucked the blood out of a human like eg Diana or MJ, the same happens on the new age level.
Some have to fight day and night, others just put some information out and let themselves be applauded by the followers.

How much responsibility is being carried by whom?
How much responsibility do you carry for others?
Fairness between the ones that were loosing all in the battles and those taken over by the dark force that used the situation will take place. The real karma from the most high, the source of all being, is here now.

Exhausted but With a lot of love
