dinsdag 4 februari 2020

You Are About to Write the Final Chapter ~ Judith Kusel

You Are About to Write the Final Chapter

Have you noticed the intense energies of the last few days, indeed weeks?

It is churning out all the old negative karmic patterns created in other lifetimes and this one, and it bringing to the surface those long suppressed and repressed trauma, pain and traumatic experiences, even death experiences of those lifetimes spent on earth, which needs to be faced, dissolved, forgiven and released.

Think of a Huge Golden Book - it is your soul book. All the chapters before were but but part of the plot - the suspense, in getting you to this moment, in this lifetime, where you finally have the open door, the open chance, to undo all the negative karma with other souls, to finally forgive and let yourself free and others from the karmic wheel, which will not be operational anymore in the 5th and higher dimensional state, for a new form of life and living and soul experiences are and will be created.

Think of a Huge Golden Book - it is your soul book. All the chapters before were but but part of the plot - the suspense, in getting you to this moment, in this lifetime, where you finally have the open door, the open chance, to undo all the negative karma with other souls, to finally forgive and let yourself free and others from the karmic wheel, which will not be operational anymore in the 5th and higher dimensional state, for a new form of life and living and soul experiences are and will be created.

You are now about to write the final chapter in that book of your soul experiences on the planet up to date, and especially the 3D. You now wish to bring it all together, and finally dissolve the plot and transcend the need to write any more chapters in the book. 

You wish to now hand over the book to the Divine, and in doing so, will be given a brand new and much higher vibrational energetic recording crystal, to record your new life in the 5th dimensional state and higher. This is the new way of life in a much higher frequency state.

The choice is yours.

You may of course continue to write more chapters in your book about your life in the 3D world - or you may wish to transcend into the higher states, and know that you are finally freed at soul level from all the old stuff which has come over so many lifetimes, you are free, the other souls are free, and you can now move into the higher state of mastery the 5D requires.

The choice is yours.

Judith Kusel