Upon waking this morning I got a clear message: get ready for 20/2 and 22/2.
That is Thursday February 20 and Saturday February 22.
Or 20.02.2020 and 22.02.2020.
2222 and 22222
Don't say it's 8 and 10 (or 1), it's not.
If you look at a a clock and it reads 0:08 would you go: wow!
No you wouldn't.
If it reads 22:22 then you would go: wow!
See the difference: 8 is not 2222 or vice versa.
Double, triple, quadruple,... numbers are master numbers.
So what can we expect on Thursday and Saturday?
Drum roll... No idea.
We've had 2 gamma ray bursts this weekend: Saturday and Sunday (check graphs below).
So if you had a weird weekend, you know why.
There was also another Coronal Mass Ejection on the Sun or short a CME.
The second one in a few days as well.
I feel those the moment they happen.
Most people feel them a few days later.
My antenna somehow picks it up immediately.
The good news is: this one is ok.
No need to book a spa for 3 days.
Feel free to do so anyway.
Treat yourself to a late Valentine's.
We are here to have fun, relax, enjoy and live as Royalty.
I hereby declare that timeline as officially open.
Please join me.
Sound the trumpets!