maandag 7 oktober 2019

Energy Report 7th – 13th October~There is No Stopping Now By A Gift From Gaia ~

Energy Report 7th – 13th October~There is No Stopping Now
By A Gift From Gaia

Each passing week takes the collective unconscious into faster and faster loops as we speed through the remainder of this year, wherever you are on the spectrum, there is more work to be completed whether we are a part of the deconstruction or the reconstruction we are all working together as One, lets face it, when we played in our victim frequencies we needed someone to blame to see where we were not in our power, gratitude can always grow in the most unlikely of places, if you know how to grow gratitude that is.

This weeks energy is taking us deep into our subconscious drivers, much of the activity is being highlighted by the movements around Scorpio especially during the first part of the week, Scorpio is the incredibly deep sign, so deep it is layered into three sections, the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Phoenix, it’s the same as the understand, innerstand and overstand cycle, which means the Scorpio energy is highly expansive energy, if you choose to surf it, if you choose to align to the behaviour of light, in other words to choose the conscious way that leads us to the field of unconditional love.

And we get there by first learning what unconditional love feels like, we must raise our physical body vibration to match the frequency, we must match the energy of the portal in order to enter, the physical body cannot and will not hold high frequency light until its physically able to hold it without frazzling out, likewise the heart will not awaken until it is known that it is your priority and likewise ascension will not begin until you realise and release all self-sacrificing programs, how can we possibly ascend if we are not making our physical vessel, our mental state and our energy our priority, as One, continuously…….that is what we are all learning now, and even when we have learned it we have more to learn……there is, after all, always more!

We are well underway a gigantic surf that has been circulating our world since 2009, noticed and reported since 2012 but this experience was triggered by the solar minimum which began late 2008 and we were heavily recoded through 2009 and 2010, come 2012 it got hectic, those aware at that time began anchoring in the 5th frequency for the humans to climb through, they began making sense of the quantum field and through this the destabilisation of the karmic wheel began. We are now at the next solar minimum, another important historical marker for those who love to scribe our evolution. It is of no coincidence that the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto is appearing slap bang in the middle of this deep soul work we are going through during these energies, the planets are proving to be the ONLY navigational tool that enables us to read, understand and transition through what is happening within, all is simply a reflection and those able to see get to receive a map to assist making the ability to release from the attachments and programming a whole lot easier.

Our forerunners have gone beyond the 5th frequency, there are more frequencies available here on earth now, but what this means is the bottom falls out of the lower octaves of the spectrums we hold, as we all keep clearing the heavy karmic energies they become incredibly unstable and as our sun begins to move into a the next solar cycle, this is going to appear very much so in the physical world with the 2020 conjunction setting the scene.

There is no stopping now, the light is expanding here on Earth within those moving through their awakening phases, and as this continues, so does The Quickening which I might add was once just a word I received and got excited about, now we are seeing it in the physical reality every single day and it has become the norm, we are evolving, that which is being disabled will move out of the way for that which is able to move and flow with the evolution.

In other words those who are prepared to grow will of course continue to expand and bloom, and all that is stagnant will continue to play out the karmic loops until burnout.

And this week gives us a really fast paced energy to watch just how fast this can manifest if we choose to surf with the energy, if we choose to pay a little more attention, to prioritise peace more, to be kind more, within, no people pleasing or trying to do good to get something good… doesn’t work like that.

As I mentioned much of this is happening in Scorpio so already we are aware that there are to be levels and the first level we look at is the surprise we are due, something is arising, whether it’s a truth, a confession, but there is activity brewing, Mercury and Uranus are in opposition, something from your reality is dive bombing in to begin the movement, its like the plates are about to start moving, and we are to realise something that’s going to be the theme of this week, whatever is being surfed now, is to either be expanded into or dissolved and when it appears we move straight into the observation space, we check in with the subconscious drivers and feel into how and why we manifested this, what does the data tell us, does the presentation have any need attached or is it a continuous expansive flow…..peaceful, always remember excitement and nervousness are one of the same, both separated states. Learning to read the field is essential and once you understand how symbolic the reality is you get the extra guidance you always thought you wanted.

Whats wonderful with the Uranus energy is it’s a truth, less patient kinda feel so it really does bring up the foot in mouth, hey when you realise truth is simply a movement, a behaviour then these glitches are always the most perfect to allow the hidden to act like a giant jack-in-the-box. Cosmic surfers will be witnessing tweaks and areas to add more value within, more light bulb moments and quick releases once Seen. As with everything there are octaves so whilst this is an opposition energy there could well be some incredible shifts that appear in the physical, this is after all a month of transitions, and whilst we move consciously we get to play in more abundant fields.

Next Sun Squares Saturn, there is only one way to flow with Saturn and that is BE THE GOAT, if you are serious about aligning with Source then understanding the frequencies of the matrix is essential, in order to get along with Saturn we must align with the laws, trust me, Im a goat and my ruler is Saturn, I get it!

Authority, Divine Order and The Way is going to be the headbanger for the unconscious aspects within, and if you would like to receive more information on how to align to these frequencies and end the forever headbanging show then please hit the email link at the top of the page and lets see if the SOUL-AR Alignment space is suitable for you.

The end of the week ends on the climax, the full moon in Aries, well I say it ends, truth is nothing starts and nothing ends and the full moon energy flows through for a couple of weeks but this has the flavour of transformational pluto with the added trine energy of Jupiter which is a super wave of pure reap what you sow energy.
This is an incredible way for those taking that leap of faith for the first time to see what its like to stay standing on that surfboard and staying on it, to realise how amazing it is when choosing the conscious way, the opportunity to reach new levels of freedom, space, love but most important peace, a field of pure and stable peace is the space we are focusing on, it is the required baseline frequency for our ascension.

The out there is likely to be rather reactive and gloopy, and when felt we work this within Self, assisting our grid all from the inside, understanding the stories, the noise, all of it is secondary, its all a reaction, once this is understood and the focus goes within we discover there was never a need to exert any energy whatsoever, all we need do is choose, conscious or unconscious and this Full moon will assist with the integration and completion of that which is rising in the reality now.

Sending so much love angels, INjoy the surf and I shall see you on the “lighter” side.

If you would like assistance and to be a part of a super supportive band of expanded people then email at where you will receive the keys and gems I share to assist the awakening process, also all daily navigation reports and how to surf are currently there until the website is up and running – not long now!
