human perception of akash and Source Consciousness awareness of Akash
are very different perceptions... as there is an entire ego-matrix
program that was created around this (and all).
Are you aware
that your every experience here is dictated by all of your Akashes,
which pertain not only to this human experience, yet all of your
existences all rolled up into ONE?
Are you aware that there are
many akashes holding every "record" (a recording) of everything ever
affiliated with your Soul... and that your entire reality is based upon
"records" that are stored on a cellular level in your body, in your
entire body template, organs, flesh, blood, body parts (all) as well as
in your field, which work independently until you MERGE these as ONE and
function from a Quantum State instead of a limited/linear one?
you aware that everything is Quantum/Multi-Dimensional and that ALL OF
THESE dictate all of your realities here? Are you truly, fully aware
(comprehend) that the only way to CLEAR each one of these is to REVERSE
EVERYTHING and do the opposite of what your human ego aspect wants? Are
you aware that we are in Cosmic Akash clearing, accelerating everything
on this planet, which affects the Earth/Gaia herself, the weather, your
life.... everything and in every way?
Are you truly aware
(comprehend) that the only way to clear what I will refer to as "Karmic
Debt" is to shift your entire reality from separation to Unity
Love/Purity Consciousness and "reverse" how you do everything from this
Are you aware that pre-ascension, everything you "appear"
to be living/creating/building/clearing is a "human reality" that's
relative to the 3D/4D templates in your physical body, that hold all
records relative to 3D, which are completely karmic timelines/realites
that "come back around vibrationally" to have to then clear? Did you
know that 4D is where you do this for your own Ascension Process to
Are you aware that you have a multitude of akashes....
one that's relative to your 3D experience, which I refer to as the human
experience (experiment is the Galactic word) and that to "leave" 3D
realities every unconscious act/program must be cleared from within you
and through your experience here? Are you aware that 3D is not only the
visible human experience, yet all existences that operated at a 3D
(Unconscious) vibrational frequency bandwidth?
Are you aware
that you are on a multi-dimensional earth and that all
times/timelines/existences have been merged into ONE? Are you aware that
the ONLY WAY TO CLEAR every akash is to "counter-balance" vibrationally
and on a Quantum Level, not a linear one?
Are you aware that you
cannot "go to someone else" to clear your akash for you? that you are
the ONLY ONE that can clear your akashes, because Consciousness is the
only thing that will clear this? Are you aware that if you give your
power away and expect someone else to do this for you, this is an
unconscious act and actually creates another "debt" to clear? (You can
ask for assistance, guidance or to "see" what you can't yet see, yet
understand this is still relative to the "level of purity consciousness"
that "the other" operates from as well). Giving your power away negates
any clearing your ego "thinks" is being accomplished, because
vibrationally the "act" is unconscious within itself.
Are you
fully aware that only you can take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your ENERGY
and SHIFT all to a vibrational frequency of Love/Purity/Unity
Consciousness and that no one else can do this for you... and that
you'll remain in that karmic timeline until you do?
Are you
aware that these Askashes are only available on a Quantum Level and that
the ego can't read/see these, because of where it functions from? Are
you aware that the first "level" of Akash is relative to your human
experience, yet still a compilation of all of your existences that can
only be cleared by you? Yes you can have energy work done, yes you can
consult assistance, yet if you are unconscious, you just turn around and
re-create more to have to then turn around and again clear.
you aware that once you clear the "human experience", you will see "not
to create" any more karma.... and that at that point, you will function
in a 5D reality/timeline that's free from "Karma" for awhile, yet then
you will go deeper within yourself and start clearing deeper levels of
akashes that were not visible before and can only be accessed once
you've cleared the "human one"?
Are you aware you have akashes
that hold RECORDS that will correlate to "realities" and
vibrational/energetic "timelines" and all of these are cleared both
through your actual experiences, as well as your energetic access too?
Are you aware that every relationship, your physical reality "abundance"
and whole experience are a vibrational transmission that are RETURNED
TO YOU, based upon everything your ego aspect cannot "see" or
Are you truly aware that until you ascend your
consciousness (then physical body) BACK that you are living in an entire
karmic cycle within itself?
Are you aware that returning to
full consciousness is the only way to "exit" those karmic
timelines/realities/experiences? Are you aware that IF you exit your
physical body and return through a "later incarnation" that you will
pick right back up where you left off and pick up the uncleared cycles
again to then turn around still have to clear?
Are you aware
that all KARMIC DEBT can be cleared on a Quantum Level through your
Unified Heart Connection (Source Consciousness) and living from purity
in every breath, thought, act? Are you aware that until you release
everyone from their karmic debt that you cannot clear your own?
you aware that everything now is relative to your level of
consciousness in every nano-second here? Does this assist you with
looking at things any differently and vibrationally shifting your own
everything yourself?
Are you aware that the earth is in an
advanced/accelerated karmic clearing process that accelerated when we
reached the Cosmic Akash (in 2018), which is where every matrix program
was/is housed.... and that everything became visible, so that it's
easier to clear all through full consciousness now?
Are you
truly aware that there are 12D frequency bandwidths now
running/available and that each frequency bandwidth has very different
realities and up to the 12D template still holds karmic timelines that
have to be cleared by each. Are you aware that 5D is the BEGINNING and
that 3D has already collapsed (full occurred in 2015) on an energetic
level, now each just lives the vibrational experience to complete those
cycles within their own reality now?
Are you aware that 5D is
where we all work together, live/co-exist together, to create/build and
contribute to NEW EARTH realities where karmic timelines no longer
exist? Are you aware that 5D is available to everyone truly ready to
live karmic debt free, yet each has to consciously choose this,
otherwise it's an unconscious act to remain in 3D?
HOW all works
is Quantum.... it's not linear in any way. Exiting a fixed mentality
reality is just the first part of the process. Living as Quantum Light
BEings on a planet that we all support, care about, nourish and
understand the importance of is how we live NEW Earth. NEW Earth to the
human aspect is a higher state of consciousness existence, yet in
from within our human body forms....
Photonic DNA Evolution is a
part of "how" all of this occurs. Through the activation of 12D DNA
Strands and a complete reworking of the body (LightBody), as well as
each's reality too. Density clearing takes on many forms.... and will
present important "challenges" to diminish the ego's hold on "how" life
is lived here. Understanding how the strength of deeply embedded
programming (separation) was so strong that photonic light is STRONGER
(on purpose).. as a necessary part of humanity's collective transition
over/out of the Unconscious Realms of Amnesia.
3D was a
de-evolved species, no matter how intelligent all "thought" they were.
5D is heart intelligence and higher-heart-mind intelligence, which is
very different than all "learned"/were taught/thought. Holding onto the
old is what creates each's "suffering" and uncomfortable experiences
now. Embracing "Higher Consciousness" means that one truly understands
how all affects their own physical reality/experiences here. 4D is DNA
repair, to repair the DNA degraded that held 3D in place. Cosmic Rays
and Photonic Activity do this automatically. 5D there is no sickness,
because these "repairs" have completed themselves, by way of each's
LightBody (Inner Soul Union on every level).... Understanding that full
integration of these Cosmic Light Codes can return each by way of
Consciousness WITH THEIR BODIES to an existence that is pure, simple and
without "dis-ease".... yet all of this requires fully conscious ACTS,
re-prioritizing and CHOOSING with your WHOLE BEING what you will
"accept" as "real"ity now. ♥
p.s. There are many tools that can
support/assist with implementing/applying "new ways" to clear each's
akash through Consciousness here. All will emanate from LOVE and require
you take your power back. There will be no blame, fear or separation
programming involved. All is through self love and deep inner connection
as Light. ♥
InJOY living your most amazing realities as you
release/let go of all old ways that kept you bound to limited/fixed and
constraining realities that don't support your highest everything here.
Everything you hold onto holds/binds you..... you have to choose to let
go/dissolve/resolve and shift everything and START doing all that's
highest aligned on a Soul Level... as we all do here. ♥
With love and respect,
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
p.s. 12D is a Pure HUmanitarian Template where all akashes have been cleared.... ♥
There is more, yet I'll have to share as we go. Way too much to
include. Believe it or not, this is the short version of all that's
entailed .... and the various akashes we clear along the way as we go
deeper within ourselves. ♥ I've shared for years, so feel free to
consult previous writings on this website to activate/assist. ♥ Here's a
page with several.