The Galactic New Year
As I walked into the kitchen, preparing myself to sit down to the
computer to write this blog I see the clock, 2:22. I took a deep breath
reminding myself that even in this emotionally demanding morning that I
have had, the Universe is still showing up to support me, gifting me
resonance, calling my soul. These number sequences are no longer just
“Angel numbers” or numbers to show me my alignment. These numbers are
reminders, little bread crumbs along the trail, coded numbers, full of
light energy, showing us all the way back home. This small moment, is
the exact reminder I needed, I centered myself back into my heart
chakra, and decided to move forward in balance. I also knew as soon as I
saw the number synchronicity that this would be a message for all, not
just me.
This morning I woke up feeling good! A little mixed up as I had fallen asleep last night around 6:30pm after a shower. I woke up around midnight last night, a little out of sorts and confused because I hadn’t remembered falling asleep! I went back to bed, and this morning while I felt rested, I still felt a little disoriented. I felt some ascension energy coming in around 8AM this morning, a download that started for me by activating my throat chakra.
Then, BAM! Moments later I read and email that triggered all of my fears. I kept reminding myself to breathe. I would take breaks every few minutes and give myself a little loving pep talk. Yet inside I WAS MAD. FUMING. I realized shortly after my response didnt match the trigger, so something deeper was at play here, something was shifting in me. I just couldn’t see the bigger picture in that space.
I put my shoes on to go for a walk with Theresa, still allowing myself to move through this energy, but I was spinning and I couldn’t let it go. I felt deceived, and very 3D. The majority of my frustration was around the fact that I had let myself get triggered to this extent so quickly and I was mad that all of my old reactions I haven’t seen in months if not longer, kept flooding in. I just couldn’t get a grip to get myself back into a neutral space. As I felt myself spinning, I continued to remind myself all I had to do was let this go. I walked for an hour before I felt this energy shift.
When the energy shifted, I began to get back into my alignment. At that point I felt comfortable enough asking questions to my team and this is what they had to say about what I experienced personally today and what the collective is going through simultaneously as we close out this Galactic Year Cycle:
“Good day, we are here to bring clarity to the large amount of questions you have brought forward today. There is no need to write these questions out, so today, just follow along with the translation of energy you receive on these topics.
It has been divinely timed that the collective of humanity would be shifting out of their lower vibrational energies at the same time the lightworkers are being asked to stand in their truest power. This will be the theme from June 21st 2019 thru July 25th 2019. This is like a practice drill, a trial run, where you are given the opportunity to hold your own vibrational essance steady, while the world around you shifts. As you do this you begin to transmute the lower energies for the collective. As this process insues, the energy of the planet will dramatically rise resulting in your wildest dreams coming true. This is why we have been giving you tool on top of tool, time and time again, to practice holding yourself in a high vibratory state as these massive earthly changes begin to be underway. The divinity and light in which you are all surrounded at this moment in universal history is magnificent. Absolute Glory! So be patient with yourself, these collective energies will come in strong to be transmuted, as one lightworker can help shift the frequencies for thousands of other humans at a time. Your capabilities are profound!
So continue to focus on your alignment as you move through this somewhat sticky energy right now, allow the situations to roll off your back the best you can, the more you spend time letting it flow through you, the easier it will be to release for all. The last thing you want to do when processing energies for the collective is to carry these energies as if they are your own by questioning where in your life you attracted these circumstances. You attracted these circumstnces because your soul knows your power, and YOU have never once doubted your true mission of awakening. This will give “trust the process” a whole new meaning as you really begin to understand how much your soul and your guidance team trust your human ability to awaken AND REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
Next we would like to discuss the closing cycle the lightworker collective is working through at this time. The lightworking collective has moved through their processing and purging of the past and the lower stories of their lifetime. They are beginning to move from the higher levels of 4D into the lower levels of 5D. The feeling most were feeling a few months ago (February), a little lost, having a hard time finding their direction and momentum forward, this was all apart of you beginning to be accustomed to living in these 5D energies. You see, while Gaia has been 5D, and you have created a 5D energetic field, the reality as a whole has not been accessible to manifest until now. So we are adjusting in these new frequencies that we are now availbable to explore and this causes a quickening of any release needed. This quick release in the lightworker collective is a vibrational match to the quick release in humanity right now, this is how the light workers are able to release much quicker and in larger amounts aiding the collective release as we close out the end of the galactic year. (The Galactic New Year for 2019 is July 26th. )
When the galactic new year comes you will be having much to celebrate as much of what you all have been creating vibrationally over the last few years is now ready to manifest. By staying in your awareness you can move through days like today, where something small that was triggered within you, collected other vibes around you that are like it, and you cleared it all by lunch. This is what we are meaning when we say stay aware. Take this channel and use it as an excuse to not hang on to anything that is not of your highest good.
The last thing we would like to bring forward is the awareness of the plasma beings you are seeing and experiencing as you are not the only one. These are plasma bubbles of consciousness if you will, that are coming to assist you in moving this collective energy. This is a pure plasma from the Great Central Sun. They are bubbles of love/healing energy the size of a baseball or so, and they are coming forward as droplets of condensation before a downpour. It is easy to forget the way this story ends, when you are in your human body and awareness, but we will always remind you of how momentus and impactful your life here on Earth is. Even if all you ever accomplished was being a good person. Thats enough to change this universe forever. But, you all are destined for big things. Life as you know it will no longer exist. Your systems will change, your accesibility will change, your ability to travel freely through the multiverse will change. It will be the greatest story ever told and you are right here. So while today may have been a little confusing energetically, you have brought yourself back into love. That’s the work. That is always and only “the work”.
Be easy my child, your mission is complete. The veil is lifting as we speak and the final act is about to begin. Excitement! Adventure! Expansion! All of the things your soul has ever longed for is here. Your chariot into 5D awaits. Your services to humanity are always noticed, its the time the unknown person, feels love flicker in their heart after their darkest hour, thousands of miles from you and never knowing the sound of your voice or the sweetness of your smile, But they know the sweet relief bestowed upon them, caused by your ability to believe in your power and stand in your truth sweet child of the light. When we cross into what will be known as heaven on Earth, the embraces of those who remember at their core, what the mission was all along, will be worth every tear. The journey into oneness. Our unending love is here for you in mounds, we cannot wait to celebrate with you all soon.”
I wanted to share this today as a reminder that we are here. When we move these energies for ourself and the collective, we can feel “sucked in”, even taken back to a time when things felt hard, but remind yourself often we are exaclty where we have intended to be in this moment. Bless your path, appreciate yourself along the way. The mission at hand has been intense. Trust yourself. We stuck together as a community, learning, growing and discovering what’s next for years and years. We have put ourselves out there, some in vulnerable positions and have had to hold our own frequency steady in our truth, while it was poked and prodded by the world we were learning to letting go of. We have cried, yelled, and loved our way through it all. Now. Right now, we are manifesting it. We have done the work, and now our world can be made NEW.
I’m proud of you.
I’m proud of US.
I love you,
With light and Grace,
This morning I woke up feeling good! A little mixed up as I had fallen asleep last night around 6:30pm after a shower. I woke up around midnight last night, a little out of sorts and confused because I hadn’t remembered falling asleep! I went back to bed, and this morning while I felt rested, I still felt a little disoriented. I felt some ascension energy coming in around 8AM this morning, a download that started for me by activating my throat chakra.
Then, BAM! Moments later I read and email that triggered all of my fears. I kept reminding myself to breathe. I would take breaks every few minutes and give myself a little loving pep talk. Yet inside I WAS MAD. FUMING. I realized shortly after my response didnt match the trigger, so something deeper was at play here, something was shifting in me. I just couldn’t see the bigger picture in that space.
I put my shoes on to go for a walk with Theresa, still allowing myself to move through this energy, but I was spinning and I couldn’t let it go. I felt deceived, and very 3D. The majority of my frustration was around the fact that I had let myself get triggered to this extent so quickly and I was mad that all of my old reactions I haven’t seen in months if not longer, kept flooding in. I just couldn’t get a grip to get myself back into a neutral space. As I felt myself spinning, I continued to remind myself all I had to do was let this go. I walked for an hour before I felt this energy shift.
When the energy shifted, I began to get back into my alignment. At that point I felt comfortable enough asking questions to my team and this is what they had to say about what I experienced personally today and what the collective is going through simultaneously as we close out this Galactic Year Cycle:
“Good day, we are here to bring clarity to the large amount of questions you have brought forward today. There is no need to write these questions out, so today, just follow along with the translation of energy you receive on these topics.
It has been divinely timed that the collective of humanity would be shifting out of their lower vibrational energies at the same time the lightworkers are being asked to stand in their truest power. This will be the theme from June 21st 2019 thru July 25th 2019. This is like a practice drill, a trial run, where you are given the opportunity to hold your own vibrational essance steady, while the world around you shifts. As you do this you begin to transmute the lower energies for the collective. As this process insues, the energy of the planet will dramatically rise resulting in your wildest dreams coming true. This is why we have been giving you tool on top of tool, time and time again, to practice holding yourself in a high vibratory state as these massive earthly changes begin to be underway. The divinity and light in which you are all surrounded at this moment in universal history is magnificent. Absolute Glory! So be patient with yourself, these collective energies will come in strong to be transmuted, as one lightworker can help shift the frequencies for thousands of other humans at a time. Your capabilities are profound!
So continue to focus on your alignment as you move through this somewhat sticky energy right now, allow the situations to roll off your back the best you can, the more you spend time letting it flow through you, the easier it will be to release for all. The last thing you want to do when processing energies for the collective is to carry these energies as if they are your own by questioning where in your life you attracted these circumstances. You attracted these circumstnces because your soul knows your power, and YOU have never once doubted your true mission of awakening. This will give “trust the process” a whole new meaning as you really begin to understand how much your soul and your guidance team trust your human ability to awaken AND REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
Next we would like to discuss the closing cycle the lightworker collective is working through at this time. The lightworking collective has moved through their processing and purging of the past and the lower stories of their lifetime. They are beginning to move from the higher levels of 4D into the lower levels of 5D. The feeling most were feeling a few months ago (February), a little lost, having a hard time finding their direction and momentum forward, this was all apart of you beginning to be accustomed to living in these 5D energies. You see, while Gaia has been 5D, and you have created a 5D energetic field, the reality as a whole has not been accessible to manifest until now. So we are adjusting in these new frequencies that we are now availbable to explore and this causes a quickening of any release needed. This quick release in the lightworker collective is a vibrational match to the quick release in humanity right now, this is how the light workers are able to release much quicker and in larger amounts aiding the collective release as we close out the end of the galactic year. (The Galactic New Year for 2019 is July 26th. )
When the galactic new year comes you will be having much to celebrate as much of what you all have been creating vibrationally over the last few years is now ready to manifest. By staying in your awareness you can move through days like today, where something small that was triggered within you, collected other vibes around you that are like it, and you cleared it all by lunch. This is what we are meaning when we say stay aware. Take this channel and use it as an excuse to not hang on to anything that is not of your highest good.
The last thing we would like to bring forward is the awareness of the plasma beings you are seeing and experiencing as you are not the only one. These are plasma bubbles of consciousness if you will, that are coming to assist you in moving this collective energy. This is a pure plasma from the Great Central Sun. They are bubbles of love/healing energy the size of a baseball or so, and they are coming forward as droplets of condensation before a downpour. It is easy to forget the way this story ends, when you are in your human body and awareness, but we will always remind you of how momentus and impactful your life here on Earth is. Even if all you ever accomplished was being a good person. Thats enough to change this universe forever. But, you all are destined for big things. Life as you know it will no longer exist. Your systems will change, your accesibility will change, your ability to travel freely through the multiverse will change. It will be the greatest story ever told and you are right here. So while today may have been a little confusing energetically, you have brought yourself back into love. That’s the work. That is always and only “the work”.
Be easy my child, your mission is complete. The veil is lifting as we speak and the final act is about to begin. Excitement! Adventure! Expansion! All of the things your soul has ever longed for is here. Your chariot into 5D awaits. Your services to humanity are always noticed, its the time the unknown person, feels love flicker in their heart after their darkest hour, thousands of miles from you and never knowing the sound of your voice or the sweetness of your smile, But they know the sweet relief bestowed upon them, caused by your ability to believe in your power and stand in your truth sweet child of the light. When we cross into what will be known as heaven on Earth, the embraces of those who remember at their core, what the mission was all along, will be worth every tear. The journey into oneness. Our unending love is here for you in mounds, we cannot wait to celebrate with you all soon.”
I wanted to share this today as a reminder that we are here. When we move these energies for ourself and the collective, we can feel “sucked in”, even taken back to a time when things felt hard, but remind yourself often we are exaclty where we have intended to be in this moment. Bless your path, appreciate yourself along the way. The mission at hand has been intense. Trust yourself. We stuck together as a community, learning, growing and discovering what’s next for years and years. We have put ourselves out there, some in vulnerable positions and have had to hold our own frequency steady in our truth, while it was poked and prodded by the world we were learning to letting go of. We have cried, yelled, and loved our way through it all. Now. Right now, we are manifesting it. We have done the work, and now our world can be made NEW.
I’m proud of you.
I’m proud of US.
I love you,
With light and Grace,
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Patricia Steveson