By the page of The Energetic Alchemist
Friends, There are a lot of quantum energies pulsating interdimensionally and shifting so much of our timeline for this amazing optimal outcome for humanity. Timelines are still colapsing inward on each other as we find stability in our frequency.
We are settling into this 5D reality that we are approaching. Currently there is a huge wave of 5D rainbow energy inbound- its important to really allow this energy today to penetrate into the heart chakra and the higher heart. Focusing on them becoming one central chakra of immense higher love, connecting you into your next "level up" in vibration.
This energy is being ushered in by this new moon today. The new moon today is bringing forth a quickening of the lower timeline collapse like we have never seen before! This will continue right up until July 4th 2019. By July 4th of this year it will feel like a new world compared to where we are currently vibrating as a collective. Your actions through June will allow you to measure your new ability to release energy instantly and allow yourself to rise.
5D is not an end point. 5D is a gateway for those who take their ascension further, to push the transmutation of the physical body into the light body. We are shifting. 5D is the beginning. Many light beings will find themselves entering into 6th/7th dimensional energies as they ascend through June's big energy shifts. THE TIME IS NOW 💜💜💜