Our May 15 – 25 Gateway is upon us. Geomagnetic storms are intensifying and more incoming waves are anticipated during this passage.

These are DNA-activating frequencies supporting first Embodiers. They serve as a compliment to the activation of Inner Earth/Lemurian grid systems and the unlocking of Living Library codes currently being released through the New Earth and Crystalline Grid systems.
There is a lot unfolding in this Now. Make higher Divine choices with the emotional, mental and physical levels, as these incoming waves contain powerful consciousness-shifting plasma. Your DNA will attempt to activate the next level of Embodiment, if you direct it to do so. Use these frequencies to support your expansion, and remember the collective DNA activation underway. We move forward into a new level of Unity with this Gateway. Create balance within to allow this to collectively unfold with ease and grace.
Stay centered, balanced and get out in the fractal expansion of nature to uplevel and expand your fields along with this grid awakening within Gaia. The planetary plates will expand, let us balance them (not limit them) as much as possible. Gatekeepers, connect with the emerging Lemurian levels of peace, harmony and Divine Love. This is US activating our ancient intentions for highest future outcomes; call it forth as a palpable reality for all concerned in this Now.
First embodiers, my heart is with you. Override anxieties or doubts with creativity and deep meditation. Remember embodiment changes everything – personally and collectively. This is our focus this year, let it present with as much ease and grace as possible.