vrijdag 31 mei 2019

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

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WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

The POTENTIAL (energetic power) of these current energies that have been with us for a few days...is building, building, building. This current energy is a PRE surge energetic, and presents to all humans. Yet as repeatedly explained through posts and diagrams, each are affected to different degrees by this current energy build up: based on each human’s energetic frequency that is linked directly to their perception (consciousness state).

So every human receives these energies, to different Hz degrees, based on what their body can absorb. So some are physically and sensitively very very aware, whilst some are not aware at all, yet for unawakened, situations arrive that trigger response. See diagram below of how each receive energy (Hz) and therefore how each perceive.

Before any PRE Shift of large effect on the Galactic Timeline, energies build. But paralleled to the building up of energies, are events in each one’s OWN dream/Self Created Reality. The two go hand in hand. Energy build up PRE a potential Human Shift PLUS our Dream presents certain scenarios/events, particular and unique to each one’s ‘Self Created Reality’. No Reality is the same as another’s reality. No perception is the same as another’s. No experience is the same. No thoughts are the same as the next person. We are UNIQUE individual facets, playing in this game.

Pre any BIG Shifts, always there PRESENTS to the initiate, a CHOICE POINT. How will you react to that which presents to you, by your Higher Self, within your field?

In terms of ENERGETICS and the absolute POTENTIAL for humanity such as the energies we are in NOW, will you BE your highest state achieved so far, as WISDOM, PEACE and BALANCE to yourself and as your reaction to your dream? Will you trust being the Observer outside of any events that present to you? Will you be over-residing Love, Peace, compassion, at times at a distance in some circumstances presented in your dream? Or, the other choice point: will you allow yourself to be pulled into another’s energetic field. Into another’s perception, another’s reality, another’s belief system, and also be pulled in to another’s ENERGETIC FIELD? And if the latter, allow YOURSELF to be immersed entirely within the Maya once more. To be disempowered.

There are over 7 billion different human perspectives. Who’s perspective do you give away your energetic power to? For the reminder IS, all within your dream illusion, are playing their part for YOU to SEE and RISE out of the illusion. Or be submerged in it. It’s always a choice. Where our thoughts are that choice. How we think is what we master. What we choose to think within and give our energy to on the outside, is what we are here to OVER-RIDE. We over-ride the old human programmed mind. That spinning wheel of reaction and submergence that keeps us asleep within the dream. That was and still is for many, an experience of disempowerment.

This current energy is huge, powerful, strong. Intentionally so, it’s building. It’s energetic PRE Shift within many humans. But how we experience THIS CURRENT ENERGY is our choice. We can react to the illusion from inside the illusion. Or we can observe it from a state outside of it.. where eternal love, compassion and peace reside. We can be disempowered IN the dream, or empowered from a perspective experienced outside of it, just observing peacefully without judgement of anything.

It’s choice point before certain humans shift their energetics big time. And each’s Higher Self, ensures the INDIVIDUAL set-up, to make conscious choice. To have a choice, there has to be more than ONE to be able to even make a choice. One choice is no choice. So events within your dream present. For you to choose how you react, and make your own choices.

To choose to trust YOUR Higher Self, and be, speak, think, act as the sum total of all that you have embodied so far. Or to fall into the dream again, as the lower frequency human who believes that control of the dream is your power over the dream. No, it isn’t, that’s the illusion many are letting go of. And also some are not ready to let go of the control they desire over others. How do we let go? By rising your frequency OUT of the dream.

The potential presents. Choice presents. It is each’s responsibility ONLY unto themselves. No one has control over you, unless you ALLOW them to. Discernment is key to seeing who is trying to control you by blatant or VERY subtle means. YOU choose each moment. And each choice of sustained thoughts, sustained words, sustained actions, creates your next SCENE. Then the next scene after that. The power, the divine, is WITHIN YOU. Within ALL. Yet we reach that, by stepping outside the illusion and the mind, that so far has contained each.

Be contained, or be free of that containment. It’s just an inididual choice...It’s ONE thought away. Trust yourSelf first. Love yourself, HONOUR yourself. Not from lower energetic ego reaction, not from victim mentalities that only serve to disempower, but from your inner truth that you ARE Divine, Love, Worthy, Energetically Powerful, and always always have been Loved throughout all of this life’s experience. It is THIS lifetime you RISE. This lifetime you chose to awaken and regain all memory of what you ARE. Realise your true nature, but first...know how to.

Scenarios in each’s dream will present, how will each react?
Love is the answer...including Self Love for YOUR own BEing, energy and the honouring of your unique CRYSTALine Light programme that activates more of you, by perfect timing.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
31 May 2019