Mira from the Pleiadian High Council ~ Closer To Your Truth
Via: Valerie Donner
Via: Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira.
You are maneuvering in a time of paradox. What you thought was true is no longer. You are learning to embrace life differently. Have you noticed how much what you believed is falling away? This is part of the ascension process. You must learn how to embrace new truths in every aspect of life. The third dimension is no longer the important energy or way of living. It is old energy. This is part of the reason that many are being guided to let go of things, relationships, jobs, issues, beliefs and what is no longer serving them.
Your higher dimensional selves are presenting themselves. You are becoming new through and through. We think you will like who you are becoming. As the old falls away you will be happier beings. You will welcome every opportunity to explore who you are. You will become radiant Light beings in service to Source.
You are living through chaotic times. From our vantage point on the Earth Council we can see how challenged many of you are right now. We also see how many ground crew are rising in happiness and Light. We can see more opened hearts and optimism about the future. While the old is falling apart you are coming together. Keep it up. This is time for unity and community.
In our galactic community we understand each other quite well. Since we are telepathic lies are nonexistent. We would know in a flash if someone was lying like you are learning to do. We work together for the highest good and the greater understanding. Our connections are instantaneous. We are creative and explore these types of solutions to problem solving.
You are beginning to feel how the Light is establishing itself in profound ways. You are picking up on these empowering energies. The world is changing daily. When the Light shines on the darkness it cannot survive. We want you to recognize the momentum that is building for you to become your galactic selves.
Towards this you will find life becoming easier. You might have to think and act quickly. You will be closer to your truth. You will automatically know what to do. You will be called upon to assist where necessary. You will be living the way you were intended to live in freedom, love, unity, joy and abundance.
Please continue to do the good work that you are doing. We love you and want you to know that our meeting as galactic family is rapidly approaching.
In loving service, I am Mira.