woensdag 29 mei 2019

The Energetic Alchemist ~ Update

  Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: nacht
The Energetic Alchemist

Last night I had a very profound and lucid dream. I was with a group of people at night hanging out and I looked up to the sky and saw the stars diminishing. Through a mist came these symbols and my soul knew immediately those symbols were ships. I said to the group I was with “oh my god” as I took a deep breath, and I told this group of friends “this is it, the event is here” there were
THOUSANDS of these symbols directly above me.

This morning with my coffee I opened up my Facebook and saw immediately the symbol I had seen on my dream. The synchronization of the dream and me having confirmation 20 minutes after waking is a beautiful.

The energy we have been feeling, expecting, manifesting, is here. Keep your intention consciously focused on where you are headed!

The shift is here ❤️

The Pleadian Symbol of light