zaterdag 18 augustus 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown ♥ energy update ~ 16 of august 2018

Powerful 2222 Code Activations for each's Evolving Physical LightBody. These, combined with some pretty StarCodes/Particle activations, work with our blood, oxygen/breath on a deep cellular level. Some may have itchies, tinglies.... bio-electrical charges increasing strongly too. Vision, hearing and other things will shift. Gravity may shift/go soon too. It's starting, as we expand. Not noticing massive temp changes yet. It's actually getting "cooler", instead of heat. We are going Galactic! (more) ♫

We are going really really high all morning, as Gateways opened up last night and again this morning too. Ultra-sonic frequencies working with our Crystalline LightBody and more right now. Update as we flow, as I'm in slam-mode again today.


 16 augustus om 09:35 ·
Alohaaaaaaaaaa beautiful Light family!
SOULar codes from yesterday..... exquisite cosmic rainbows and frequency bandwidths pouring through!

Some sweet nature captures, pristine pink & purple new earth skies....
Sending out love, peace, stillness, happiness, kindness, inspiration, joy, unity and excitement to accompany as you DO your highest aligned realities too!
Integration is KEY. Embrace, honor, allow and breathe the brilliance of these Light Codes through you too!
Gateways opening wider....