Energy Update: Timeline Shifts / Geomagnetic Storms / Post Eclipse Ascension Symptoms Continue

Taken by Cody Tritter on May 6, 2016 @ Calgary
A Timeline Shift occurred within the Eclipse Gateway. Timeline shifts are full of Mandela effects and psychic happenings. They can come at any time, but usually occur with increased vibrational intensity.
For me, as most know, I always have psychic occurrences taking place, but during timeline shifts and times of high energy vibrations, the quantum field is uplifted and my connection becomes stronger.
For the past week I have had all kinds of psychic experiences taking place with spirits all around me. Yes I see them. Many are animal spirits that appear quickly and then disappear along with human forms.
A Mandela effect has taken place with Charlotte Rae of the TV show Facts Of Life transitioning this week. This has been the 3rd time she has passed on that I remember. Remember, Mandela effects increase during times of high frequency. You will be able to increase your own frequency by remembering these other timelines when celebrities passed on. If you do not remember her passing on in the past, try to hold onto this memory for the future.
A small geomagnetic storm with increased solar wind has started today. We will see where this takes us in the days ahead. I will be posting with any symptoms that occur if this storm increases.
We are still in the Eclipse Portal for another week and we still have Ascension symptoms coming in. Sleep has still been difficult and body heat is still here as I talked about in my recent article. Many are feeling out of their bodies and between worlds.
The energy today is uplifted and calm so far. It became uplifted/blissful yesterday for the last Eclipse of the season and continues today. Yesterday was a very focused day of completing things and getting things done that had been put off. Todays energy feels the same.
Remember to STAY in the moment of NOW and not in the past or future. This is where all the OTHER DIMENSIONAL occurrences take place. This is how energy is seen/felt/noticed by staying in the present moment only.