August has been a most important month for us all. All that has occurred on a deeper and more expansive level (Quantum)... wow. No words. Presence through our Breath.... there's no way to linearly explain the peace, the beauty, the connectedness of all.... when this is where we live, exist and function from, deeply and fully from within.
We not only completed the 9th Dimensional Template with Gaia (Collective), which was a huge surprise, 12D Template Codes also started coming through, pretty much as soon as we completed the 9D Template "Lock-In". These have not been unlocked within Gaia's Template for collectives (and by collectives doing this work intentionally). Gaia's 12D LightBody Template has now also unlocked the 144 OverSoul Avatar Consciousness Codes fully too.
For us to do this multi-dimensional work with Gaia/Cosmically, we have to achieve this within ourselves, hold these much higher levels of consciousness, while fulfilling our higher purposes/roles here too. These mean continual integration and application to our entire lives, as each action we higher-align through, our cellular body/template/field will all reconfigure accordingly too.
While we spend years holding and integrating and clearing any programming not aligned with this, that "process of linear years" is the process where the LightBody begins to "build" the template and constantly synchronize with the "coordinates" necessary to complete "this build". Through the completion of the 12D Template, we also were able to complete the 144 Avatar Template, which is the OverSoul/Monad Template, syncing up with Gaia and all StarGates, which now makes all available on a collective level "easier", for all who are truly ready to activate/hold/embody, as each steps up and into those roles, which is what anchor these codes fully in.
The first set of Avatar Codes for the specific purpose of completing the "Template Build" came through with the 8/11 Eclipse (taking most the week to bring through and complete). The second set of completion codes, became available with 8/18 blast, which took until two days ago to complete (August 22nd). Now these codes will be disseminated continuously, vibrationally activated by each fully embracing this. Bringing through these "new" Labyrinth Key Codes to share with you is exciting! I've never heard of them until now. I was working with them for hours, preparing them to share, to further assist all who are also truly ready for this part of their own expansion of consciousness here.
Observing mass collective awakenings, all who also "do their part" in their own way every day, through sheer dedication and diligence as PURE SOURCE LIGHT, it's beyond beautiful to observe. Each's roles important as a part of our "whole", each holding highest states of consciousness, opening up fully to share unite and contribute in ways that truly make a difference.... it's beyond exquisite and heart opening for us all! This Divine Networking System of NEW Earth grows stronger every day, with each holding LOVE through each experience and exchange. WE are the GRID. Remember this.
It's the most complex I've observed/experienced/seen. It's taken all month to record the data and start to put it together in a way that can activate/assist in various ways. Because this is a vast process of vibrationally activating codes (codons) held our dormant Higher Consciousness DNA, our gridwork, immense akashic/gridwork/cellular clearing processes that are all a part of a "whole", this one entails each LightBody and Template (which are "built"/constructed over "much linear time"), through each's level of purity and by way of holding the highest states of consciousness and living this as everyday/every breath life.
Templates take many linear years to "build" and to be brought fully online here. The 144 is especially complex, as it's a Multi-Dimensional Labyrinth of intricate sequences and codes all woven together, yet continually re-configuring to activate the next-level LightBody for integration, until all 144 LightBody Templates have been achieved. This alone is an immense process, one that I'll cover/share in additional sharings as we go.
THIS IS A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT for all! In observing everyone's dedicated focus, intentionally working with all of these Light Codes, intentionally holding these higher states of consciousness and opening up to share with all more, this provides inspiration, support and the information that assists each with choosing to consciously honor their own journey as an important part of our NEW EARTH COLLECTIVE EXPERIENCE too! IT ALL PAYS OFF! Keep anchoring and expanding as LOVE and shining your Light (Codes) brighter and more brilliantly too!
First we activate the consciousness, then a whole set of re-coding, re-structuring and re-sequencing processes begin.
While this is not a linear process, it's a vibrational one, I am breaking it down to as "linear as we can get" to assist with expanding comprehension of how vast each of these template re-writing/re-building processes are.
This works on a Quantum Level, through immense Sacred Geometrics and Light Quotients. I won't be able to write everything up here. It's just way too much information and it's sooooooo deeply entailed, it's going to take months to put it all together to describe a non-linear (Quantum Process) for how our Evolutionary processes work. I will release in segments, as I always do, preparing "manuals" and "how to's" for each to utilize for their own journey here. For now... I'll break this part down, to easier understand a bit.
- Vibrational activation of a code/codes held deep in each's cellular body/DNA
- Physical body/Physical Reality alignment & clearing process
- Expansion of Consciousness (This can often come before the physical body part)
- Contraction of Consciousness (To clear out any separation/duality/unconscious programs)
- Alignment and Unification within
- Alignment and Unification of each's (Light)Body and Field of Consciousness
- Re-alignment of the physical (preferably through Mastery rather than perceived "force/loss")
- Hold the new higher state of consciousness until the entire physical realignment process has been accomplished/is complete
- Materialization of "new". First holographically, then by way of physical matter in form.
- Full Embodiment occurs once the "New Level of Higher Consciousness" is held, in every exchange, with every breath, through Purity and by way of transcending all ego/duality aspects/programs, where the full template build for that aspect/consciousness is "complete". At which time, a final "body-field" and cellular recalibration/reconfiguration process will occur, "setting in" this new template, to merge with the previously restored "Original Template" by each.
Physical Body Ascension is the completion of each's 5th Dimensional Body Template as full SOUL Union occurs within. There are processes that take place, from the point of activation, where each's LightBody Merkaba starts to "build the whole template", an intricate process that occurs by continuously going offline and coming back online, while birthing new realities from inside, until this process is complete. The completion of this 5th Dimensional Template is the "beginning", which then activates "over time"/vibrationally, each's next higher Density/Dimensional LightBodies, Mastering 12 Dimensions (from much higher levels of consciousness), which in turn activates each's 144 Avatar/OverSoul Consciousness Template to "begin". This sets forth a progression of various body templates to awaken/ignite, where each will clear each existence, all distortions, separation, unconscious programming to fully UNIFY all within, and in-turn in their own physical reality too. Each template completion "adds to" the 144 Template Building process. First the consciousness, then clearing of all karmic timelines relative to that consciousness, for harmonic alignment/convergence for each to occur. Our Intelligent Living DNA is working constantly to re-work everything on a multi-dimensional level (for us all).
The processes for these 144 templates are non-linear (Super Quantum) and because of how all geometrically and vibrationally "criss-crosses" and overlays, the depth of providing the light codes for this part will be shared through Love at another vibrational "point in time". ♥
With Consciousness and our Light-bodies (each phase/aspect has a different one), first we have the activation (often correlating to an expansion of consciousness). This occurs when our bodies reach a certain vibrational frequency, in order to activate the codons/markers held in our dormant higher consciousness DNA, which in-turn activates new levels of consciousness within each. This activation is bio-electrical, creating a "firing off" process that works through PURIFYING our entire body structures, organs, muscles, heart/spine/brain, body parts, skin, flesh, eyes, blood, bones.... you name it. Every part of us, as well as our Field of Consciousness too. How "long" the building/deconstruction/reconstruction phase takes on a cellular level is determined by many things. Physical density, unconscious programming and how expanded each's field is, being the most relative of these.
Through observing the separation of "time", once a "code" is activated, the body goes through an entire purification (detox) and harmonic stabilization process, whereas each's entire reality also must fully re-align. This "begins" the building process for each's various LightBody phases, as well as Stargate Systems (Merkaba pre-ascension also activating various other Stargates & Systems to come online, after physical body ascension occurs). There is an immense transition process that takes place with this as well.
Through our inner-linked Living/Breathing DNA Consciousness, all must "build"/construct itself, which occurs on a cellular level and links up to our bio-field. An intricate system created, that links each's LightBody and Fields up with Gaia, Universally, Cosmically, Multi-Dimensionally (and so very much more). All achieved as each HOLDS (Embodies) their own highest level of Expanded (Super) Consciousness, long enough for this immense re-construction process to occur. This includes the breaking down/dissolving processes of all linear constructs and energy/matter that vibrated at the 3rd/4th Dimension (Consciousness) before.
First we have the activation, then an entire Labrynth of processes and phases, trials & tribulations for the human (ego) aspect, gateways/initiations/passageways that are completed as all separation/unconscious programming is dissolved/resolved. This "Light Activation" moves/works through each's body and field, "talking and communicating", identifying and recoding all through new/higher dimensional SOULar/STAR Codes. A complete bio-electrical-magnetic re-wiring process occurs "over time", as each "takes one further offline" from their own connection with the Old Earth Grids held in place from inside, clears the energy held until ZERO POINT FIELD IS ACHIEVED/MAINTAINED, to bring each online further with our NEW EARTH NETWORKING AND GRIDDING SYSTEM. "Each time" is a part of a much bigger picture, as each time is a part of a huge transitory phase. This transitory phase is "completed", when the entire TEMPLATE PROCESS is complete. The entire template is complete as each lives their entire lives according to these new Universal Cosmic Soul Star Light Codes.
These advanced templates accelerate our next phases we now move into. The 12th Dimensional Template was not (visibly) "scheduled" to come fully online until December, yet we've accomplished it "early". (Credit to EVERYONE for all your "hard" work).
These next few months are going to be moving all continuing with Ascended NEW Earth Existences, into these much higher frequency bandwidths that continually come online with every SOULar/Cosmic Blast, that degradates the "old" at an increasing rate unparalleled by anything we've experienced here before. Each's focus is going to be beyond important. Where each places their energy, will "faster" determine "the next moment" that occurs.
Avatar Consciousness is the entire OverSoul/Monad. It's the 144 Grids and Codes inner-linked. It is activated the moment each's physically ascends, which in turn activates (by way of vibrational frequencies), each's various SOUL aspects/codes, as well as Star Aspects/Systems/Codes. Each activation will "trigger" an immense purification process to occur. This takes place on a deep multi-dimensional DNA/Askashic/Cellular Level, as well as each's field and entire physical reality as it must be fully realigned too.
It often takes years for each LightBody & StarGate Systems to sync up fully, meanwhile each's grid (muscles/bones/veins/whole body), is going through an immense process of everything being reconfigured (back) to these new codes. I can look back over my own experiences and see each LightBody and Template and all that went into each, as well as "how long" it took for each to complete. Now, linear is "how long". Through Light, there's no time. So, instead of looking at "time", look at all vibrationally and keep elevating, expanding, holding, stabilizing and "time" will cease to exist, so "time" won't matter anymore with this. I hope that makes a little sense.
There are many ways to activate any of these codes. Every time one chooses to open up and utilizes any/all of these options, acceleration can occur.
Becoming silent, connecting from deep within, elevating your consciousness and expanding your field, clearing your field, reconnecting with nature/Gaia, as well as SACRED UNION OF FIELDS, allowing each to exchange "codes". Physically connecting y/our fields allows each the ability to increase this acceleration, especially when it's accompanied by providing SIMPLIFIED "new processes" to instantly activate and integrate with greater ease. As more come to understand the importance of "Exchanging, Sharing, Receiving and fully Integrating Light Codes", how each values everything will dramatically change. The higher the vibration, the simpler all is.
Code Holders & Embodiers constantly sharing, automatically transmit these codes. It's an important part of each's SoulStar Agreements, to deliver the information/Light Intelligence to assist hUmaNITY with awakening/receiving "faster/easier". This comes from deep PURE LOVE that transcends all things physical and reconnects all of us as ONE again here.
Yes, unconscious programming becomes visible, yet as each chooses and learns to transform, learns to Master the Physical as their own Higher/Highest Selves, all is shifted vibrationally into much higher timeline experiences for us all. Instant reprogramming is important to shift all quickly as well.
The depths that we each go to, the depths of our entirety.... holding this immensity and sharing it through profound and beautiful energetic exchanges, through the delivery and receiving of Light Codes, through our own Unified Fields and how we consciously transmit all out....
These 144 Codes... they activate each's OverSoul/Avatar Consciousness, once/as a certain level of purity has been achieved. Always activating, always working... always clearing out all that's not in harmonic resonance on a Soul Level.... These have become available as higher level possibilities, held within each's fields, condons activated within each's cellular blueprint, through intentional conscious creation.
To activate in your own DNA and Field, just speak, with every part of your BEing, and presence: "I activate my Labyrinth Codes". Feel this through you. Breathe them through you. Allow your LightBody to activate and be ready to observe and align your own reality as LOVE. Sit with them, allowing your entire vibration to raise/consciousness expand. Honor this fully. It's important. ♥
Ascending/Transitioning to the 5th Dimension of NEW Earth, means aligning ourselves fully, as well as our entire physical, through Universal/Cosmic/Unity Consciousness. Living and breathing this, then activates each's 12 Dimensional Divine Blueprints, by way of each EMBODYING and holding the 13th Dimensional Ray of Christed Consciousness in how we each live our lives. From this point, fulfilling much higher soul purposes and galactic missions through our own HUman Roles here, the completion of Mastery Cycles of each of these 12, activates 12 more multi-dimensional codons, which begins the next cycles of "Levels of Embodiment", referred to as the "Labyrinth Codes".
As each achieves full completion of their own Divine 12 Templates, the 144 Sacred/Divine Template is activated by way of codes "turning on", which become visible through each's actual experiences here. First holographic, each is able to expand their own consciousness to activate these codes. Holding these states of consciousness fully, is how each's template builds/constructs itself.
Physical body ascension (5th Dimensional Ascended/Descended/Higher Self Embodied Living), is where each has become completely WHOLE AGAIN. This is the merging of higher self and "lower" self, to become ONE with all and begin the next phases, which are immense within themselves.
The death/dissolution of the old, prepares each for beginning to birth all new realities from within. As each begins this vast transition process, they are preparing to awaken all anew and bring that forth from within their own consciousness and REMEMBERING process of re-connecting fully again.
This Awakening brings forth new Light, through the pureness of LOVE, to illuminate each's individually journey, which moves from a focus on things or a past or present, to a focus on presence and what each has to offer/contribute/share as LOVE, which brings UNITY to all things here. This continual birthing process, is evolution within itself. Birthing through CREATION, a Sacred Experience where all is love, where all is unity, where all is considerate/kind and serves much higher purposes here.
"New" is represented by peace, magic, immense joy, gratitude and appreciation for all. This Divine Essence of our own deeply re-connected state, emanates out to transmit Light Codes that permeate the very fabric of what each calls "reality" to vibrationally recode how the physical actually materializes into "form".
This continual birthing process, through Divine Creation, and fully aligned with Purity/Pure Creation/SOURCE Energies (from within), activates a "new series" of each's processes and phases of continual Cellular-Stellar-Solar Light Code activations to begin. From this "moment" (occurs over months/years/each's whole existence here, where one is truly ready to step fully into the 5th Dimension (and way beyond), with their whole BEing.... all new templates are activated to start to come online. These templates are our Divine Templates, original templates, all converging in one SPACE. Within us. From the completion of each's 5th Dimensional template, all higher self aspects are awakened, through each's processes, and every day experiences of integration, holding much higher states of consciousness and re-constructing/re-structuring all.
I actually have much more in-depth information to share, yet the the vastness would literally take me months to sit and put it all together to share/explain, so I'm not even trying right now. Simplifying the complexity of these codes, putting all together in with coherency to explain it for others to activate/utilize/integrate, this part is going to take a bit. Just writing this is an activation within itself, which is why I'm sharing this right now.
p.s. My apologies if I went in circles, kind of like a Labyrinth. lol It took me forever to write this and get it out for all. I'll edit/fix it later. ♥
With love from Kauai,
Lisa Transcendence Brown