How To Advance With Ascension Symptoms This Gateway Brings | New Moon/ Last Eclipse of the Eclipse Corridor

Blessings Beloveds,
We are/have been entering the energy of the last Eclipse in the Eclipse Corridor/Gateway. August 11th Partial Eclipse / New Moon. The first Eclipse did not provide much in the way of energy but the second one we had made up for that. Already a few days before this eclipse event we are feeling the energies coming in providing Ascension Symptoms/raising consciousness.
Not sleeping well/ interrupted sleep.
This manifests as even though being dead tired we can not sleep. When
we do sleep we may be up awake after 3 hours and up for a few hours
before going back to sleep again.
Crazy/Bad Dreams.
Dreams have been crazy the last few nights seeming surreal and bizarre.
Its a pleasure to wake up from these crazy dreams of action packed
Feeling not fully in this world.
A feeling of not being fully connected to this world and needing
grounding. A feeling of not belonging in this world. I advise to start
grounding more for this eclipse/new moon and being sure you are fully
grounded for the next week.
Relationship Issues. Relationship
issues have been an ongoing theme for the entire Eclipse Corridor. You
may now start to see hidden aspects of your partner you did not see
before. There have been many break ups during this time. I advise to
wait until after this corridor is done, after a week or so and then
revisit the relationship and see how you feel. Energy is heightened and
this supplies us with hidden aspects of our partner, yet when things
calm down we may not feel the same way. Relationship issues will
continue as more awaken to the Truth.
A Strong Desire for Others to Awaken. You
may be feeling a SUPER strong desire for all others to awaken. This
will only grow more intense as more light comes into your being. The
best thing to do is to make sure your own conditioning, programming and
illusions are all being dealt with on a continuing basis.
As more INSIGHTS/ new ways of being come in during these increased energy times be sure and make the most of them. I advise writing them down so you don’t forget. I write everything down that I am feeling and new ideas/ ways of beings that come to me in the moment of NOW.
As the energies and light get stronger, it is harder not to SEE the TRUTH. It will become harder for everyone to live in illusion. As almost 2 decades of living OUT OF illusion it is a pleasure to see this happening now to so many.
More to come on how to handle new psychic abilities that are and will be coming online for everyone. I have more and more ask me about their NEW abilities everyday now.
Work to spend time in the moment of Now and stay completely present. This is where all psychic information comes from. We must stay in the moment of NOW to access it.
Key Date: Stay tuned for the Fall Equinox September 22nd.