These accelerations are to "complete" energetic re-gridding processes, along with Universal Gaia's Cosmic LightBody and template building, simultaneously, on a "Cosmic Timetable" for TEMPLATE COMPLETION to occur.
These will be accomplished, yet each's ability to exist in these timelines fully, will be dependent on each's own Higher Consciousness Soul Embodiment processes and overall vibration, so the body, the physical reality, our focus, priorities, energy... all is beyond important here.
Time-tables are not put out to create a competition or fear anything. They are to provide guidelines, if you will, visibility, for what is available to us all here. Not limits... possibilities... for what each can achieve within themselves and for their entire physical reality experience as well.
Time = Vibration... so understanding, none of this is linear, it's all Quantum and that the "higher" we go vibrationally, the faster time speeds up/slows down/ceases to exist at all...
Human (E-GO) aspects still living by/within linear time "constraints", will experience all speeding up to the point that this energy dissipates/breaks.... to come to a space of "Zero Point", where everything collapses/is created from...
Non-Linears (Quantum LightBodies) function differently, from WITHIN A SPACE, not bound by linear time constructs anymore. For us to re-learn how to function, live, exist this "new way", with our bodies, is learning to re-vamp our entire lives to accommodate a whole new existence here.
To be able to EXPAND BEYOND TIME and Exist from this SPACE, function from this place, from within all and beyond all simultaneously, takes full Consciousness here. In our fully expanded state, walking, living, breathing, working, inner-acting, is very different than before. As we release the conditions, restraints, constraints, limits, needs and all we were disconnected from before, we open up to all new everything and are able to see it, activate it, call it forth and create it to arrive in our physical as we integrate PURE SOURCE LIGHT to vibrate into that reality simultaneously. Maintaining this is what Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers & Embodiers do. We hold this from our CORE everything and it's "how" we are.... all of the time. We don't go in and out of consciousness (contract back down) anymore.
Time is only to observe, to "fit" all of our creations into, to adhere to in order to show up for something that supports all of our higher purposes here.... it's not a limit... it's an observation, an awareness to maneuver around/through with ease, love and grace. ♥
Now, these "timeline tables" are to assist others with "seeing" too. What will become available, as each activates/awakens/achieves the vibration of each higher consciousness and holds it for their own bodies to re-code, re-calibrate, re-everything.... These are to assist others with UNDERSTANDING the IMPORTANCE OF ALL OF THIS.... the "reality" of our Multi-Dimensional Earth and "what's really going on"... on a Cosmic Level here.
To understand, these acceleration codes will "push" our human to step it up even more, to hold more light, to integrate more light, to share more light to BE more Light and anchor more light... constantly and continually... always becoming capable to DO and BE MORE than our little human aspect was. Our bodies go through immense upgrades and re-calibrating processes, so we have to honor, love, respect and "learn" to do everything differently.... it's ALL NEW WAYS here.
To understand that the "higher we go", the more the higher dimensional timelines and templates become available to be brought/come online, then the "faster" the lower frequency bandwidths/dimensions collapse/dis-integrate/dissipate/dissolve... from within each and outside too. "How" is relative to how conscious each is and actively participating with this process.
Our human aspect will get excited and say yes! Then when their reality has to be re-worked through higher consciousness, resistance and fear enters in. This is called "separation/duality/unconscious programming"... and it means realizing that your human does not have one ounce of control in how any of this works here. Your Soul/Higher Self is the one "in charge"... as is our Gaia/Universe, which you will merge with/become as well.
These "time-tables" are "from this moment right here" of what's "scheduled" vibrationally to be brought online... on a multi-dimensional level.... available to each truly ready, embracing and making this a priority too. As new templates are complete, all previous templates will become obsolete, allowed to play out as long as each's body can sustain this. Physical death is the "end of the 3rd/4th Dimensional experience for that human. The 5th Dimension, a physical reality, is where the body goes through emotional, mental, physical "death" over "time", for the body to be able to TRANSITION and cross that 'RAINBOW BRIDGE' intact. Every cell of the body has to be re-worked (density dropped) for this to occur for each. Collective Physical Body Ascensions increase substantially as we go. As does physical body death, for all who chose not to transition with their bodies and return to the UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS as ONE ENERGY SOURCE. ♥
So, open up for more NEW as our Multi-Dimensional Earth(ly) Bodies continue to re-shape, re-form, re-code and re-grid at an even "higher" acceleration rate than before.
This last week we completed the 9th Dimensional NEW Earth Templates and now we enter the 12th Dimensional LightBody Template for Collectives, Individual and Multi-Dimensional Earth.
We are currently "scheduled":
- To integrate these 12th Dimensional Codes through the December 2018 Gateway, which takes a while to complete the entire re-gridding process. The 12th Dimensional Template Codes are being released with this Lion's Gate Passageway. Integration to be completed in/through January 2019.
- Our September Equinox month will release/activate the next set of Codes for the next phase of this process. Every moment/month/gateway, star-gate opening (every couple of days right now), will activate/increase these codes for all.
- The December Gateway/Passageway will release the "final set" of 12th Dimensional Codes for integrating, re-coding, re-calibrating to occur, carrying us through full template integration January 2019. It will also release the 13th(then 14th) Dimensional Christed Template Codes for Universal Earth Gaia's template to be fully brought online, as well as each individual Soul honoring their own Embodiment processes here. These templates are Collective Templates. Each individual can achieve this themselves, not bound by the collective templates... Collective Templates affect the whole earth differently. Intentional Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers achieve this "first", as the anchor points for these new templates/grids and by holding this fully, the entire template is completed. This is why y/our roles are so important to honor, as we ARE the template holders of this multi-dimensional experience here. All of us. ♥
- The 1/1/19 Gateway will unearth/bring through/release the next level of codes to be anchored in by each one of us and within Gaia too. Our God/Galactic/Avatar Consciousness Codes will be enhanced with the next "level" of these codes, which will release within Gaia at that "time" too. The 15-16th+ and 18-19th then 20-21st Dimensional Templates will activate to start coming online the entire linear year of 2018, to reach a "crescendo point" for Avatar/Higher Consciousness HUmanity Codes (2222 Codes/22nd Dimension), with collective templates scheduled to come online by 2020, as set forth before any of our incarnating/walking in here.
- I'll be sharing more on these/all of this, later as we go.
This "timetable" is a VIBRATIONAL reference point, a way to "see" what possible by/for each one of us, ready and available to each one of us... as each is truly ready for and fully embracing this.
Old Earth timelines will continue to play themselves out for each as long as the vibrations support, which will "shorten" as we go, considerably, because those timelines have already dissolved/collapsed, presenting the opportUNITY for each to transition to higher frequency bandwidth/dimensional existence, as soon as those programs/density are able to clear the physical body fully. Many are fulfilling very important roles in those old timelines still. Respect is important for this. As each no longer desires the EXPERIENCES of those lower frequency bandwidths as "home" anymore, then a new "home" is available.... one where we all exist as love, through Unity and live the brilliance of our NEW Earth too! ♥
p.s. This is not "set in stone", as multi-dimensional existence is not linear in any way. It's all vibrational and energetic, so each will "accomplish" according to their own chosen experience here. Many will come through "after", with forerunners, pioneers, gatekeepers, gridkeepers opening the Portals/Gateways, completing the initiatory Gateways (coming through/out on "the other side" of each), stabilizing and holding these new templates in place with our own bodies and physical realities too.
Focus on you, your own vibration, your experience, your roles... and show others, as love, share with others, from love, hold LIGHT, transmit LIGHT (codes) and honor all for their own chosen journey here. There are always all new timelines available for each. If you get caught up in the "old", you shut down your own "access" to "your new"... it's a part of learning to re-focus our own energy and be totally response-able for what we are creating with our OWN FOCUSED ENERGY here.
I love you! Let's get ready to rock out more awesomeness here! Happy Lion's Gate and open up to all new codes for expansion, integration and implementation/applying to your own life and through your own Vibrational Existence here! We've still got more coming through! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown
p.s. Those holding higher consciousness (different levels do different things, this is how it works), don't "wait" to integrate these codes within our templates "later" or "then", we are already doing this continually to reach the point when our own entire template process is complete, which is often long before the collective template is (days/weeks/months/years). We link up to Gaia/Universe/Galaxies/StarGate Systems and activate/anchor/integrate constantly, to "achieve" as an important part of the collective template "prior", so that the collective template can be brought on-line for all with greater ease. Gatekeepers and Gridkeepers are always on a different timeline than various collectives are. ♥