zaterdag 5 maart 2022

Remember Starseeds ~ Mike Harrigan

Remember Starseeds,

You cannot Speak Butterfly Language
to Caterpillar People.
The more Conscious and open you become the less likely that certain people will give you their permission to be yourself.
These are the people that are well meaning but stuck in their own dualistic conditioning, so much so that they are convinced that they are right about their judgments of you and the labels that they have chosen for you.

You may challenge these peoples beliefs and they will feel threatened and attack what they cannot understand.
Just remember this and try not to absorb or be deterred by other peoples projections.
Never allow anyone to sway you from your own truth.
You don't need anyone's permission or verification,
You are following your own inner guide not an outer collective herd mentality.
No doubt there will be times when you will feel hurt because you will be constantly misunderstood...

There are times when you'll be strong enough to handle it and times when you will feel vulnerable and victimized and need to have a good cry to release other peoples stuff.
This goes with the territory and know that you are in good company,

As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it,
“Misunderstood! It is a right fool's word. Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”

On the plus side, in time you become more resilient, stronger within yourself and you learn to let go.
You move away from toxic relationships and you discover your true tribe.

You learn not to waste your time explaining yourself or trying to change the views of others and most importantly you learn to make no apology for your differences because you know who you are and you know your own value and you have precious beautiful things to do with your time other than suffer or entertain closed minds...

You are quietly understanding and blessing them instead.

Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..