We have a Cannibal CME hitting Earth today and may become stronger as this day goes on, they seem to be aimed right at the United States, I feel this may be intentional as our Galactic Sun continues to heal our atmosphere as well as upgrading our bodies, restructuring out DNA.
On April 2nd we will be receiving even stronger codes to these bodies and our consciousness as the X1.3 flare comes in.
Vibrant times we are living in this now moment Loves, be mindful of your manifestations because they come immediately these days.
Also stay hydrated and make sure you keep those electrolytes up; we are balancing these energies as best we can as they come in so quickly. Feels like no breaks in between.
Been a bit of a rough ride for me with the fact I have kidney Stones, too much calcium intake and too much of certain veggies are not always good for the body. Still learning to tune into this body, another diet change I must make.
Continuous expansions of our Consciousness and Bodies constantly changing during these times of evolution.
Schumann Resonance was 60 yesterday curious to see what it will be on Saturday.
Amazing yet trying times we are in, hang in there Loves we always got this as we continue to unify our energies into One.