dinsdag 29 maart 2022

We do not do or tolerate TOXIC anymore ~ Nicky Hamid

We do not do or tolerate TOXIC anymore.
It is not about a judgement of others.
It is owning our own Field which is of the purity of Source that creates through Love.

It is NO LONGER time to give any energy whatsoever to the illusion that others are still choosing as their dream state. Bless their Precious Hearts.

We are each creating, as SOURCE, a New Earth Dream. A Dream that is no longer in sleep and based on subconscious never ending loops of fear and suffering, but one in full wakefulness.

A LUCID DREAM. A Dream where we choose consciously and can "control" and lead ourselves directly into the experiences we desire. based on Love, Wellbeing, Peace, Joy and Unity of Being.

ONE SOURCE, Sharing our unique expressions through our unfolding Gifts.
WE ARE Sacred Holy, Infinite SOURCE.

The more you identify, honour and hold this TRUTH and bring it, through your body into your Field, the CLEARER, Gentler Easier your Life becomes.

I So Love You