donderdag 3 maart 2022

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

Taking some time to Rest Lovs, this body is going through some major purges and purification, that is what it feels like anyway.

Last night my ears rang so loud it made me nauseated, feeling the same way today but the pressure has let up.
It is in the back of my head and even feels like pressure in my spin, it is the only way I can explain it.
Also been very tired, like the Universe has given me a valium or something, lol. Not sure if this is because it is so warm here right now, all I know is this body is telling me to rest.
I will be in bed early this evening, sometimes I feel like I could sleep for days.
The energies don't feel strong right now, even though I know they are but the cells in this body have settled down, doesn't feel like it did last week.

We need to stay hydrated; our body will let us know it isn't getting enough water, you will get headaches and feel very week. One good way to know is to keep an eye on your urine, if it is real dark drink some water and lots of it until that urine is light yellow.

When I feel nauseous, I drink Chamomile tea it always helps.

Lot's more to do within ourselves, rest up and just do your best to flow with what you are feeling, don't attach to your emotions just let them rise, pondering on them for a moment and do your best to let it all go with forgiveness.

And remember our outer appearances are not what they seem. Let your fears go and know that all is always in divine order.

Love to all