We can stop being afraid of our own inner power because we were holding a belief based on fears that something bad will happen if you own and shine your light.
When we hold ourselves back and
our higher self wants us to expand, it wants us to jump into the unknown and trust
and to live our full potential, we are called to release our most unserving patterns.
We're called to look at our traumas
that caused us to develop these toxic patterns and lovingly bring healing to them.
You deserve to live happy and joyfully,
completely in alignment with yourself.
Your soul family are now making their way to you...
This "in between stage" can be very challenging and isolating to say the least.
However, this is where it's soo important to honour you, and your heart.
Staying true to you and what resonates, will keep your frequency level high & will draw your soul family and those meant to be in your destiny to you.
Remember, EVERYTHING is energy and
Like attracts like.
In loving and devoted service
Ascension Lightworkers