zaterdag 1 oktober 2022


PLEASE HONOR YOURSELVES. Quit trying to fix others who can not, or will not, face and work on their shadow. Don’t waste your time helping those who are not courageous enough to be transparent, honest and authentic. FYI…. An apology without change behavior is actually manipulation. If you have given these ones many chances to rise up, but they continue to break promises, it is time to move on. It doesn’t matter how much you love them. Even if you have great compassion for how unconscious they are. If they are open and willing to allow you to absorb and process their shadow for them, they do not care for you, they are just using you. This is spiritual abuse.

Don’t let someone make their issues your job! You cannot fix other peoples issues, unless they’re willing to dive into the messy nightmare we call our shadow. If we keep trying to help someone that isn’t willing to be helped, even if they say they want to be helped, even if they are good and kind people, but their actions keep showing us that they will not make any effort to change, or have a willingness to facing their shadow, and do the necessary work on themselves. . .

We only weaken them. Yes, WE WEAKEN THEM! And we also weaken ourselves!!! It is only when we finally pull our energy away, that they they have the opportunity to face the things they need to heal. They may or may not do it in this life time, but it is not our job anymore. It never was.

We always think if we don’t give up, and keep trying, we can make a difference. But there are so many people out in the world who are ready, that you can hold space for and where you can make a difference. Don’t waste your life helping someone who does not want to be helped, and is using your energy to sustain themselves, to boost their self-esteem, and to give their life meaning. Because eventually the very thing that they were attracted to you about will be the very thing they don’t like anymore.

In the bottom line is this.

HONOR YOUR GIFTS and share with those that have the open heart to receive it. Honor your energy. Don’t throw your lighted pearls before those who are not willing to accept, honor or respect them.
Honor and value yourselves!
Honor and value your light!
Honor and value your gifts!
And this action will also honor the God within us ALL.

Our days of fulfilling karmic obligations are over. We don’t need the extra baggage at this point. Cosmic and earthy energies are flooding in everywhere for everyone to help us purge, learn and ultimately grow beyond the many things that have been holding us back. There is no going back. There is only forward into the void where we will create our new world.
Blessing to you all.

PS… if you have not noticed by now, I almost always write about topics that I am actually living and growing through. The base of this message came from Jesuha a long way back, but I just now feel like I am getting it and growing from it.