maandag 3 oktober 2022

Energy update - Highly active sun activity, solar flares and storms ~ Wendy Murphy

Energy update - Highly active sun activity, solar flares and storms

~ Downloads, upgrades and shifts ~
There are several large sun spots that are unleasing strong M class solar flares last one was last night just after 2am UT, this would make sense why l had a very restless nights sleep and kept waking around the same time as the solar flares happened.

Those sensitive to these energies may experience strong head pain, extreme sinus issues and like a popping crunching sensation in the head from the sinus issues, this energy also feels different because usually solar flares cause tiredness but this time it seems the oppositie, also itchy eyes, theres a lot of upper chakras clearance and realignment to new energies happening hence all the head issues and the teeth issues seems to be happening for many lately as well linked to clearing ancestral lineage and past life karma.

There is also another huge sun spot group that is going to be facing earth this coming week that could produce stronger x class solar flares, due to the continuing solar flare activity, a solar storm is also forecast for today, so there is a lot going on energy wise with a huge amount of downloads, upgrades and shifts, at times you may feel a bit all over the place and restless, it is like yet again old parts of ourselves are dying making way for a new us, try not to fight the process or block it in any way allow the process to polish the rough parts so you will soon shine like a diamond and shine like a 1000 suns

How are you all feeling?