Last night was SO long! Did you find yourself tossing & turning, waking up and only a few hours had passed?
Time seemed to slow to nothing last night. As our teams and You were working hard last night!
Nasa and Noaa both predicted yesterday to be quiet, but we knew differently.
Kp levels hit a level 5 overnight, and Solar energy signatures that looked more like a large CME.
Schumann Resonance is missing time as well. Might be a tool flaw, might be proof of us stepping into the Quantum also!
All of this and Nasa and Noaa say nothing. Are they not able to see the energies the way we are?
But you don't need to see them to feel them.
And feel them you have and will going through July 6th.
We are in a HUGE energetic time. From June 28th through July 6th.
This is a time ANYTHING is possible. Use it to set intentions and bring in the change YOU desire.
Nothing is to big or out of reach as long as you believe!
If you're here in the United States today, it's the Fourth of July. A day to celebrate and enjoy. My thoughts are with you.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith