vrijdag 17 mei 2019

‎Amelia Bert‎ Ascension Guidance

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Amelia Bert‎  Ascension Guidance 

So we are on the rollercoaster of ascension, there is no turning back! All we have to do now is ride the wave, hold on as this weekend you will feel the shift!

here's a brief message from lighted beings
"Your body goes through the clearing of old wounds, illnesses, pain, malfunction of any kind that was stored in your cells. THis clearing aims to root out any old trauma that your body carries through this day. 

THe clearing occurs in your cells that hold the blueprints of past events that triggered whatever illness to manifest. In many cases, the body re=experiences these symptoms as they are stored within, without a particular physical cause. The root of all those "ghost illnesses" is in fact stored within you. 

To clear those completely notice what comes up currently, identify the symptoms, the thoughts the flashes of knowledge, the aches, the symptoms or whatever information your body sends you, from a place of non-resistance. Do not hang on to the symptoms. 

Thank your body for the signals and give it permission to clear all that no longer serve you. Set the intention now in a state of inner peace from complete and utter health of body, mind and spirit. Then let this be the new programming that replaces all that is cleared. All is well. let this come, let this go. you are gaining more control as time progresses."

Amelia Bert