The Mass Upgrading on Planetary and Galactic Core Levels

As souls we are now going through a massive re-awakening period, to a much higher degree and at much higher frequency bands than ever before. We are called back to the higher truth within our own soul, our soul mission and purpose and the reasons why we incarnated onto planet earth.
On planetary level the Earth is going through a massive galactic and solar upgrade, and thus her vibratory frequency bands are now fine-tuned to bring her in highest alignment to the galactic core. As she is thus being upgraded, we cannot afford to lag, or else we will not be able to hold life on her anymore.
As our frequency bands rises, which we can only do by raising of our consciousness, by truly tuning in galactically via our souls and not through our minds, for the mind can only stretch so far, and not further. The soul is already galactically connected through its other soul parts and soul group, and thus through them, and the Divine, can raise their own frequencies, their vibrations to match that of the planet and the galactic core.
We are entering a time of more upheavals and uncertainties, where we will be collectively challenged to truly find solutions and create a much better, higher, and more sustainable way of life on this planet. Obviously, some old things, methods, are just not working anymore. We must find new and higher ways of living and expressing life, in balance and harmony WITHIN ourselves first, before we can create this on planetary level.
Most souls will experience a turbulence at this time, which is not always expressible. It is as if one is sitting in a plane, which is experiencing vast turbulence and it almost feels as if the whole plane will disintegrate at any moment. Now, all you can do is sit this through and trust the pilots to know how to fly the plane through the turbulence safely. The Pilot in this case, is the Divine, and the Greater Cosmic Masterplan, for this planet never was, and is an entity on her own. She belongs to one of the solar systems, within the greater Milky Way Galaxy.
The Milky Way Galaxy belongs to a much greater cosmic setup: As above, so Below. What manifests in at inter-galactic levels – manifests on planet earth. That is Divine Law.
The same laws which govern the galaxies, constellations, star systems, govern this planet and govern every single one of us. The is Omniversal Truth. For the same Divine Source who created it all, created the whole cosmos as one vast Entity, and thus all the galaxies and star systems, Universes, all are part and particle of one single whole, and thus governed by the same rules and laws which govern them all.
We can never divorce ourselves from what is going on in the rest of the cosmos. We are the rest of the cosmos for we are intricate linked in the same vast conscious energy field – which governs the Omniverse.
Your soul knows this at the deepest core. You might call this governing Power and the Creative Force anything you like: – God, Goddess, the Great Spirit, it does not matter, for each will have their own interpretation of this immense force and the names it carries, yet in truth its true essence is ENERGY.
Your soul is pure energy. It consists of 12 energy strands, one single entity, within the greater soul group, and soul cluster groups (I go into this in detail in my book: “Soul Empowerment:” Your soul therefore has unique attributes, genius, to reflect part of the vastness of the Divine, back to the Divine.
As awakening occurs within the soul, it will always be brought back to the core truth within itself. Life will always pull you back to remembering the truth of your soul, and the reason you incarnated onto planet earth.
I have done Soul Readings for new born babies, and the parents come back to me, and confirm that it is true. What is more, they now understand why the child has incarnated and how to guide it through life, so that it will live a soul-empowered life from the very beginning, and they will assist their genius to blossom from an early age.
Most of us, did not have that – we had to struggle through phases of reawakening, phases of remembering the truth of who and what we are!
The time we are entering now, will truly bring increasingly bells to ring within, so that we remember increasingly. As all have volunteered to be here at this time, for a much higher reason and the reason is that we chose to be here, to assist humankind through this massive shift at planetary and galactic level.
The time is now.
The earth is already shifting on her axles and this has been measured and reported. However more than just a physical shift, this is a massive shift in human consciousness.
We must step onto the next evolutionary plane of existence, which is on the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency band. Indeed, the Age of Aquarius is already the beginning of the New Golden Age, the Age were humankind will finally be given the opportunity to master the lessons, not mastered during the time of Atlantis, and all before Atlantis, even to the time of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom (I recorded this history and phenomenal technology in my book “Why I was born in Africa: – the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom).
We must truly now allow ourselves to be upgraded to the highest degree. Yes, it will mean that we must have a radical change in our thinking, our belief systems, our whole way of living life and being operational in it.
I have gone through this process in the last ten years, and I can only encourage you to allow yourself to be upgraded to the highest degree. As my old life and living disintegrated increasingly, there were moments when I wished to cling onto the old, as I had no foothold anymore. Now, looking back, and seeing how far I have come I never want to have the old life back. Yet, I know this is just the beginning. And I embrace ALL of life will all that I am, for truly this is a new life, a new beginning for all of us.
Embrace the new way of life now springing forth.
Embrace the changes.
Embrace the turbulence, the turmoil, and know that all of this is leading to the next destination, the whole new creation of planet earth and all upon it.
You are the future.
The future is already there living within your own soul.

You have all the tools you need, the knowledge, there programmed within your own soul. You just need to trust what is there inside of you, and to use your own GPS systems, the maps and instruments encoded within your own soul. It is just a matter of remembering and allowing the veils of amnesia to lift.
It the time to take leaps of faith, and to fly on the wings of renewed hope, renewed strength, renewed courage to allow yourself to be revamped, reinvented, and re-created into the highest possible version of yourself.
And then to assist the rest of humanity through the changes, so that we all can now truly step into a much higher, more balanced, and harmonious way of life.
What a time to be alive and well and on planet earth.
(Judith Kusel)